Half-day Workshop on User experiences (UX) in libraries: capturing user behaviours using ethnography- ETBL 2017

Dear All, We are pleased to inform you that Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad along with Indian School of Business Hyderabad is jointly organizing the third Conference in the Series i.e. the Third Global Conference on Emerging Trends in Business Librarianship (ETBL–2017) at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad on November 21–22, 2017. Please visit the conference website at:http://library.iima.ac.in/etbl2017/ The conference also includes half-day workshop on the following topic User experiences (UX) in libraries: capturing user behaviours using ethnography by Ms. Gina de Alwis Librarian, Tay Eng Soon Library (HQ), Singapore Institute of Management About the workshop: Libraries are challenged to remain relevant in an era of changes. We need to understand our users, and how and why they interact with the products and services the way they do. User Experience (UX) studies using ethnographic research methods provide a qualitative approach to obtain rich descriptions of users' experiences, i.e., how they engage with existing library services and spaces as well as show how they actually may want to use these; and, nuanced insights into what the users don't recognise they want. The rich evidence-based findings can be used to design user-centric products and services and transformative library experiences more attuned with the expectations of the diverse user groups. The workshop will provide participants: Libraries are evolving and the question arises what is the future of libraries? The following challenges are encountered by the librarians: (a) A brief overview of ethnographic research methods that can be adopted to better understand user behaviour in the context of existing services and spaces. (b) The opportunity to try out selected methods through use of hands-on activities, and (c) Exploration of how ethnographic research methods can be applied in the participants' own work environments. Regards !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!! Mallikarjun Dora Professional AssistantVikram Sarabhai LibraryIndian Institute of Management, AhemadabadGoogle Scholar Profile !~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!!
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