Dr I.R.N. Goudar
"Access E-Resources for Academic and Research Excellence"
*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
Dr. I.R.N. Goudar
- Adjunct Professor, Adichunchanagiri University
- Adjunct Professor, Mangalore University
- Ex. Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser, Bangalore University
- Ex. Visiting Professor Cum Library Adviser, University of Mysore
- Ex. Scientist 'G' and Head, ICAST, Nat, Aero. Labs, Bangalore
- Ex. Dy Librarian, Indian Inst. of Technol. Madras, Chennai
- Ex. Scientist (Information), Indian Inst. of Chem. Technol, Hyderabad
- Fulbright Scholar, Univ. of Michigan and Columbia Univ, USA (1995-96)
- British Council Scholar (1982-83)
Mob: 91+9611165781
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From: DOAB - Directory of Open Access Books
Date: Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 8:28 PM
Subject: DOAB receives SCOSS funding from French Open Science Committee
SCOSS funding French OS Committee
** DOAB receives SCOSS funding from French Open Science Committee
The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) ( is
delighted to announce that the French Open Science Committee (
has decided to grant the DOAB foundation with an overall amount of
€125,000, as part of the SCOSS ( second round funding
cycle. This decision acknowledges the fact that DOAB is considered as key
open science infrastructure with great potential for improving the current
situation regarding the visibility of open access books.
Eelco Ferwerda, co-director of DOAB, said: “the support from the French
Open Science Committee to the SCOSS second round funding cycle is the first
public commitment in this cycle, and it is a very substantial contribution.
This funding will enable DOAB to invest in community management, to support
the SCOSS campaign and to engage with the open science community.”
SCOSS, the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services, was
formed in early 2017 with the purpose of providing a new co-ordinated
cost-sharing framework for enabling the broader OA and OS community to
support the non-commercial services on which it depends. SCOSS launched its
second funding cycle at the end of 2019, selecting both DOAB and OAPEN ( , and also PKP and Open Citations. Each of these
infrastructures will receive funding from the French Open Science Committee.
Recruitment: DOAB Community manager
The SCOSS funding from the French Open Science Committee enables DOAB to
recruit a Community manager, responsible for communication and acquisition.
This is a full-time position for 12 to 18 months. The primary focus for
acquisition will be managing the SCOSS fundraising campaign.
Further details about this new position can be found here (
About DOAB
DOAB is an online directory and discovery service for peer-reviewed OA
books and OA book publishers. The primary aims of the service are to
increase discoverability of OA books so that they can reach a broader
audience, and to support trust in OA book publishing. Publishers provide
the metadata of their publications to DOAB to increase dissemination,
visibility and impact. Aggregators can integrate this metadata into their
commercial services while libraries can do the same into their online
catalogues, making it easier for scholars and students to discover the
works. The directory is open to all publishers of academic, peer-reviewed
books that are published in open access and that meet academic standards.
All publishers included in DOAB are screened for their peer review
procedures and licensing policies.
For more information, please contact Eelco Ferwerda,
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