SALIS 2018: National Conference on Role of Libraries in Creating a Knowledge Society - First Announcement
Dear Professionals, Greetings from SALIS and DLIS, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. We are happy announce the SALIS 2018: National Conference on Role of Libraries in Creating a Knowledge Society jointly organized by the Dept of Library and Information Science , Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu and Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS) on 7th & 8th September, 2018 at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. About the Conference The “Knowledge Society (KS)” and “knowledge economy” terms were first used by Drucker in 1969 and he mentioned that knowledge will be the main element for economies. A knowledge society is one that generates, processes, disseminates, shares and uses the information and knowledge for the benefit of the members of the society to improve their living conditions. In such a society, information and the knowledge are the key assets or intellectual capitals which are the powerful producer of wealth than capital, land etc. The important indicators of a KS are literacy rate and quality education, social and economic development, equal access to information resources and technology, GDP, investment on R&D and quality publications. Libraries also play an important role in acquiring the knowledge, organizing, disseminating, sharing it to the people in the society and preserving it for the future generation. Libraries, as gateways to knowledge and culture, play a vital role in transforming the society into a knowledge society by providing required resources and knowledge- based services to the citizens for their life-long learning, education, research, new ideas, innovation and opportunities. Libraries provides need-based and customized knowledge services to all in the society - children, school, college and university students, researchers, adults, elders, professionals, traders, business people, workers and others primarily to make them ‘better informed citizens’ in the society and thereby increase their social and economic conditions. Librarians play a key role in this process of transforming the society into a knowledge society to empower the citizens. This conference will give an opportunity to the participants to share their ideas and knowledge which will in turn help to contribute for making knowledge society. Conference Objectives The objectives of the conference are: What is Knowledge Society? What are the indicators of the KS? How Libraries can contribute for the socioeconomic development to make KS? How Librarians can contribute to the KS through various innovative/knowledge based Information Literacy programmes (IL) and services? What are the policies to build knowledge society? Themes and Sub-Themes Role of Libraries for Teaching, Learning and Research Redefining the role of libraries, physical libraries to digital libraries, virtual libraries, knowledge centres. Education to learning, self learning, information and research infrastructure. Access to information resources – primary and other sources - scholarly information. Digital / Open access resources – Institutional Repositories. Knowledge based and innovative service for Teaching, Learning and Research- Research support service- Carrier guidance – Scholarship. Role of Public Libraries in Building KS Smart infrastructure –resources –informational city specific, Community Knowledge centres. Physical space for meeting and learning and discussions; Learning/Digital Space for providing resources, learning & opportunities; Maker Space - Cultural and Social Centres - to learn and exhibit talents. IL Programmes – Digital Reference services-children – adult - students – elders – women - self-help group – small scale industries - Services through social media – Partnership and collaboration. Community Development Programme - society and citizen - extension activities – innovative service – Library on wheel – Mobile service – Information Kiosk. Community services using Social Media. Promoting Reading Habits using innovative methods - Human Library. Role of Libraries for Social Development Technology and Society - E-society - Human-technology interaction, interfaces and usability-Digital Humanities- Community infrastructure - E-governance - Digital benefits. Community education and literacy- Informed citizens- empowerment of people. Community information: Agriculture, weather forecasting, marketing. Digital literacy- health literacy- financial literacy- Community development – inclusive society- capacity building initiatives- improving quality of life – preservation of culture. Digital Communities - Digital Natives - Digital Citizenship. Role of Libraries for Economic Development Library and Information services to agriculture- tiny, small medium and large scale industries -Information Industries - Commerce, trade, business and banking, Micro-finance- self-help group – export/import, Sustainable development. Employment - knowledge workers - knowledge economy - Transforming knowledge into products and business development -Building knowledge sharing culture in a corporate and industry environment. Equitable Access to Information Resources and ICT Technologies for knowledge sharing - ICT infrastructure – Computer - Mobile - Email – Internet. Access to ICT and Information Resources - Information for all. Digital development: bridging the digital divide - virtual communities - Technologies for participatory citizenship - E-government, e-democracy and cyber-civics - Multilingualism and cultural diversity. Digital repositories, archives and libraries - Disability and access - Library and Web - Search Engine - Google – Google Analytics -Open Data – Big Data. Library Services through Social network – Facebook – Twitter – WhatsApp – Linkedin - Netflix, etc Role of LIS Professionals in Creating KS Redefining the role of LIS professionals - Facilitator of knowledge acquisition, organization, storage and dissemination - Professional Skills and Competencies - Capacity building initiatives and training - Digital skills and services, multi-model literacies - Digitization and Cultural Preservation -Understanding / translating users needs expectations: education, learning, research, health, work, employment, agriculture, business, sports. National and International Policy and Framework for Building KS National, International, Inter-governmental initiatives - UNESCO-IFLA-Case studies - Information availability and accessibility, Information ethics, IL - Information infrastructure – ICT – Connectivity – Bandwidth – Affordability. Digital Resources – Local, Regional, National, International and Open - New library initiatives – World Library. Resources and Technology sharing - Information preservation - Culture – Knowledge Repository - Co-operation and collaboration - Creative commons - IPR and Copyright issues Submission of Papers Original and unpublished papers on the conference themes are invited for presentation at the conference. Papers will be accepted only after strict review by editorial committee. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN. Selected papers may be published in the SALIS journals. Author Guidelines The full paper in word file (with an abstract not exceeding 200 words and at least 3 keywords) should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to Paper should not exceed 6 pages (line space: 1.5, font size: 12, font: TMN, reference: APA). For more details, please visit the conference website. Papers will not be accepted without registration fee. Target Participants Librarians, Information professionals, LIS Teachers, Students and Research scholars. Accommodation Accommodation will be arranged in the nearby hotels on extra payment. Participants can also make their own arrangement for accommodation at hotels available in Karaikudi. The room rent varies from Rs. 500 to 3000 per day. Transport Alagappa University is located in Karaikudi. Nearest Railway Station is Karaikudi and nearest Airport is Tiruchirappalli. Registration Fee LIS Professionals Rs.1000 Research Scholars (Regular) & LIS Students (Regular) Rs.500 (Kit in folder) Participants (without paper) Rs.500 (Kit without conference bag and proceedings) Registration fee should be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Organising Secretary, SALIS 2018” payable at Karaikudi. The online payment details will be provided on request. Last Dates Submission of full-paper 30.07.2018 Communication of Acceptance 10.08.2018 Registration 20.08.2018 Conference Websites Please see the following websites peeriodically for updates Awards and Mementos Cash Awards will be given to the best papers for Professionals, Students and Women separately. Mementos will be given to all the presenters. Address for Communication Dr. S. Thanuskodi Organizing Secretary - SALIS 2018 Professor & Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630 003, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail :, Phone No: 9442224006 / 9842953420
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