2nd LIS Academy conference on “Innovations in Libraries” – First announcement

Dear Professionals LIS Academy is pleased to announce the 2nd LIS Academy conference on “Innovations in Libraries” organized in association with Department of public Libraries and VTU, Belagavi during 07-09 March 2019 at VTU campus Belagavi, Karnataka. CALL FOR PAPERS Papers are invited on the main theme or any of the sub-themes of the Conference. Theme/Sub Themes: •Library Resources/Content: Innovations in Content – Both Proprietary and Open Domain - Generation, Publishing, Packaging, Access/Sharing, Licensing, Rights, Content Use and Usage Standards, Applications and Impact •Library & Information Services: Innovations in LIS Services – OPAC, Circulation, Alerts, Personalization and Profiling of users and Organizations, Use and Application of Technology in Innovative Services – Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Data visualization, Sharing/Collaborations, Reference Services, Referral Services, Use of Social Media in innovative services- YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ResearchGate etc., •Library Users/Manpower/LIS Education: Innovative Teaching Methods in LIS, Innovative ways of utilizing Libraries in Library education, MOOCs, eLearning and Technology in teaching and LIS education, Innovation in connecting and serving Library Users •Technology & Innovations in Libraries: Impact of Technology in transformation of Libraries, Role of Technology in Innovations in Libraries, Innovative ways of applying Technology in Libraries and LIS education. Future Technologies and new and possible innovations. Submission guidelines: • Papers will be accepted subject to similarity check for the originality of the content. • Selected original papers will undergo blindfold peer review process • Select Papers will be published in the form of Conference Proceedings with ISBN. • Papers of registered delegates only will be considered for inclusion in the Proceedings. • Distinguished Papers will be published in LIS Academy journal (ISSN-2457-0540). • All authors of accepted papers are request to submit an author declaration form. • Papers may be sent to lisaconfernece2019@gmail.com on or before 31st December 2018. • The first/corresponding author will be communicated regarding the status of the paper submitted. Thanks & Regards, Dr. P. V. Konnur Former LIS Professor, Fulbright Scholar - (UIUC, USA) Chairman - State Level Book Selection Committee, Karnataka President - LIS Academy, Bangalore Adviser - VTU Consortium, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi - 590 018, Member of Syndicate, KUVEMPU University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India Mobile : 09449679737 E-Mail : pvkonnur@gmail.com Website: www.lisacademy.org -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Pandurang Konnur