Re: Re: Re: [LIS-Forum] Areas in LIS Res
Dear Friends, I fully agree that core areas of Research in LIS have been neglected as has been rightly pointed out by Mr. Sukhdev ( specially classification) I also feel that classification forms the basis of life. Everyone practices it every day (although in different ways). One of the areas of LIS research as suggested by Maurice B. Line is Summarisation and Representation of Info this in itself suggest the importance of classification because we cannot represent the info in more accessible form until it is arranged in some helpful sequence. The so called search engines (Google etc developed by the computer professionals), which are being heavily used by all to find information, are not able to give us satisfactory result. It has often been pointed out that No search engine is able to index the entire web. Strength of web is 500 times more that what the search engines are today able to index This I feel is perhaps because the so called computer professionals were much enthusiastic about finding ways of retrieving information without bothering about mapping the resources first. Perhaps librarian mind was not involved. If we think with an inquisitive mind we may find a suitable solution in the underlying principles of classification. Wood Ward J. On cataloguing and Classifying Info Resources on the Net in Ann Rev Inf Sc. Tech. 1996: 31: 189-219 very rightly points out Internet is currently in a state of near chaos in terms of access and organization, and because searching is usually performed only with word based search engines, it is generally not adequate for the needs of most users. We have lot to offer. Computer Professionals can only write a program and the input for a program can be the experience of librarian. The need of the hour is Comp Professionals and Librarian should come together on a single platform. The both should complement each other. If they are left to do at their own the problems will be far more for us because we should not forget the fact that WE ARE A BRIDGE BETWEEN INFORMATION & USERS warm regards bukhari On Tue, 12 Aug 2003 Sukhdev Singh wrote :
It is unfortunate that while computer professionals are working in areas were library people should have been working. We are still looking for the areas to work in. Take for example, while we were beating about the bushes of "Bibliometrics" some students created GOOGLE using the same principle of "citations" (links here). While we were debating on utility of classification, some other students created "YAHOO". And still others are building up Open Directory Project ( Classifiaction does not mean numbers we put on the spine of the books; dear friends, it is putting things in helpful sequence.
Information technology is in use in every aspect of life. Even some medical professionals left their profession to join IT Rat Race. I know some for example But should this mean every professional follow the same path.
Today we have to answer, the real tough question? Do we really have something to offer? Something Unique. What is our USP...? If Yes, then why we are in hibernation. If No, then why we are pretending...? Why not to leave the stage to Computer Professionals who otherwise are today "Plenty in Supply, Less in Demand".
Regards Sukhdev
--- Vijay Raghav Tiwari
wrote: Dear Sukhdev ji
I agree with your suggestion that research on Classification is required but to be honest, it is the need of the hour that a librarian has to be perfect in the modern information technology other wise the whole scene of librarianship will be spoiled. The advent of the new information technology the software, online information retrieval sources are becoming an essentials of the library services. A true professional will have to attain the full command of the situation otherwise he/she will be left far behind from the present day profession.
Hope that you will be agreeing to the concern. It is good for us if we start learning more and more in this techno field. yours truly VR Tiwari
Dear Afsar,
Thank you very much for circulation such use information. If possible, please let me know the reference cited (Maurice B. Line).
Further I would like to suggest that there should be also research in core areas of Library and Information Science like Classification. Unfortunately these is a trend amoung the LIS schools to make students more Computer Literate at the cost of core subjects of LIS.
(I wish such LIS schools should stop issueing certificates in LIS and start issueing MCA etc.)
Regards Sukhdev
--- afsar bukhari
wrote: Dear Friends
This is in response to a recent mail in lisforum regarding the areas of research in LIS
LIS, since its inception has been dealing with organizing information so as to make it available to the users in more efficient manner.
Information seems like dirt; its everywhere you look, accumulates in piles, and is challenging to organize for easy retrieval.
It is this very nature of info that has always threatened LIS professionals and forced them to come up with innovative approaches towards its effective organization. With the advent of WWW, organizing info is giving tough time for all LIS
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 Sukhdev Singh wrote : professionals.
Newer and newer approaches are being tried, but still more and more are required to be done!
Maurice B. Line has identified 10 key areas related to Info Res in the MILLENIUM
1. Internet & WWW (info retrieval aspects) 2. Search engines & alogorithms 3. Bibliographic control on the internet 4. User interface including common user interface,natural language interface etc. 5. User needs or requirement analysis 6. Info seeking behaviour of users and cognitive approach 7. Digital Libraries 8. Summarization & representation of information 9. Visual information 10. Intelligent Information Retrieval including intelligent agents
All the best
Bukhari Librarian Shantha Biotechnics Pvt Ltd
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afsar bukhari