Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce Examination Notification
DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE – 641046, INDIA Ph.D. Public Viva*-*Voce Examination Notification University Conformation Ref. No.: COE/Ph.D/2018/1844/10.09.2018 A Ph.D. public viva-voce examination of Mr. Nanjundaiah, Librarian, Gokhale Centenary College, Ankola, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka - 581 314 is scheduled on 05.10.2018 at Bharathiar University. The details of the viva-voce are as below: Title: “Productivity and Characteristics of Journals Published in India with Special Reference to Humanities and Social Sciences: A Scientometric Analysis” Date: October 05, 2018 Time 11:00 AM Venue: Seminar Hall, Department of Library and Information Science Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046 External Examiner: Dr. Satish S. Munnolli, Librarian, Scientific Officer 'F' Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) Navi Mumbai 410210 Research Supervisor: Dr. Dinesh K.S. Head, Library & Deputy Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Punjab – 140 001 Abstract: Analyzing the productivity and characteristics of Journals is very important and comparing them at the international level is very useful to the researchers, subscribing institutions, funding organizations and professional bodies for many reasons. A researcher gets many clues on the quality of Journals; subscribing institutions get to know many ideas about the kind and quality of Journals before they decide for subscriptions. Funding institutions understand the quality of published research output of researchers and the assessment of the quality of Journals helps the professional societies to improve the quality of Journals they publish. This study centered on seven objectives and four hypotheses. Subject-wise distribution of Journals in SJR and JCR; Ranking of Journals based on SJR and JCR indicators; Ranking of Journals based on h-index; Correlation between different quality metrics; Citation relationship across the Journals; Comparing the ranking of Journals published in India with International level using SJR and JCR; Geographical distribution and Type of Journals published. This study brought out key suggestions and recommendations. Some of the important findings of the study are: Out of seven subject areas considered for the study, multidisciplinary Journals constitute a major share in SJR; Only one Journal in multidisciplinary have an SJR score of more than one, it is same in JCR that has Impact Factor of one and above; Significant differences are found among IPP & SNIP metrics in SJR; Found significant differences in SJR scores of International level Journals when compared with the Journals published in India; Journals published from India are nowhere comparable at the international level in the HSS field; Most of the top-ranked Journals at international level are published either from USA or UK; Spearman’s rank coefficient used in the study to find out the correlations between citable documents and total cites indicates a positive relationship between citable documents and total cites. Overall the study enhances the visibility of HSS journals at the global level. The Library professionals, faculty members, research scholars, experts in the field and other interested people are invited to attend the public viva-voce examination. Dr. DINESH, K. S. Research Supervisor Thanks & Regards, Dinesh -- *Dr. Dinesh K. S.* Deputy Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, Nangal Road, Rupnagar, Punjab - 140 001. Commonwealth Professional Fellow, 2014-15, University of East London, United Kingdom Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysuru Google Scholar: ** ResearchGate:
participants (1)
Dinesh Siddaiah