Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:33:53 +0530
From: sanjeev kumar
I agree with Dr.Anil Singh no need to create separate one more associatio=
n.The NKC recommendations, Professional Assistants are the backbone of
Univ= ersity and College Library. It is critical and severe. There is no
any prom= otional avenue like CAS or time bound promotion as compared to
AL, DL, and = Librarians. In university and college libraries, number of
Information Scie= ntist, Professional Assistant, Semi- Professional
Assistant, and Library At= tendants are stagnating without any career
advancement schemes, which cause= s frustration and demoralization among
the professionals. So kindly do Henc= e it is also the responsibility of
our senior colleagues that if they are s= uggesting any promotional
avenues for the senior staff, they should also in= corporate the demands
of their subordinates.
Sanjeeev Kumar DLDI,