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From: Anya Feltreuter
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021, 2:13 pm
Subject: [IFLA-L] Managing and Marketing Inclusion in Libraries
To: ifla-l@iflalists.org
Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to our upcoming webinarManaging and Marketing Inclusion in Libraries. I would also like to ask you to share this information with professionals that might be interested. We think it might be of interest to your section because librares often struggle with managing and marketing their services to a diverse audience.
On 28 October, 2021 at 15:00 CET, the IFLA sections on Management & Marketing and Library Services for People with Special Needs are hosting an exciting and inspiring joint virtual conference with a specific focus on managing and marketing for library users with special needs. The two-hour session will consist of a keynote speech, panel discussion, and audience interaction.
Our keynote speakers isDr. Clayton A. Copeland, USA. She will speak on the themeBringing IDEAS – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Solutions – to Your Library.
We also have three panelists. Mark Freeman, UK, will speak on the theme Designing Autism friendly public library services: a UK perspective.Verena Lee, Singapore, will speak on the theme Best practices in the field of library inclusion of children with disabilities. And Marie Engberg Eiriksson, Denmark, will speak on the themeUniversal design to improve accessibility and inclusion.
The host of the conference isLeslie Weir, Librarian and Archivist of Canada. We are looking forward to a interesting and engaging day – and we hope you would like to join us!
For more information, bios and free registration, please visitwww.ifla.org/news/managing-and-marketing-inclusion-in-libraries/
Best regards,
Med vänlig hälsning
Anya Feltreuter
Bibliotekschef / Library Director
Tfn: 010-234 5104
Kultur- och fritidsförvaltningen
Mjölby kommun
Postadress: 595 80 Mjölby
Burensköldsvägen 11-13
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