It is a list of Library legislation passed in various states of India 1. Tamil Nadu 1948 2. Andhra pradesh 1960 3. Karnatka 1965 4. Maharashtra 1967 5. West Bewngal 1979 6. Manipur 1988 7. Kerala 1989 8. Haryana 1989 9. Mizoram 1993 10. Goa 1993 11 Gujrat 2000 12 Orissa 2000 13. Rajasthan 2005 14. Uttar Pradesh 2005 15. Uttrakhand 2005 But what is benefits of Library Legislation. In today technological era. The Job of librarian is not so easy as it seemed to be. Due to exponential growth of literature in all fields of universe of Knowledge increasing day by day, the Job of Librarian became more challenging and tuff. and without Librarian It is not Possible to retrieve exact information in minimum possible time. But when talking about the wages and allowances to Librarian that is nil. Nobody in our field think about this. and Librarian became a Clerk and salary below the salary of clerk. No pay scale no facility no allowances but Librarian still ready to work only for saving this field and to serve humanity. Our Government and seniors should be think about the welfare of our field. Otherwise, the existence Library & information science from Universe of Knowledge unseen. And no one want to became a Librarian in New Generation. Majid Khan IET Alwar Rajasthan --------------------------------- Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! Group. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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majid khan