Detailed report of the National Workshop on Quality Indicators held at Punjabi University, Patiala, 4-6 March 2008 (fwd)
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 18:44:59 +0530
From: Jagtar Singh
Dear Moderator Pl. circulate this news. Dr. Arun Kumar Chakraborty Organizing Secretary IASLIC Seminar 2008 and General Secretary, IASLIC 23rd National SEMINAR OF IASLIC On Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm 10 13 December, 2008 Organized by Bose Institute P-1/12 CIT SCHEME, VII-M, KANKURGACHI, KOLKATA 700054 Ph : 91-33-25693200, 3301 Fax : 91-33-23553886, e-mail : and INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION CENTRES (IASLIC) P-291, CIT SCHEME NO. 6M, KANKURGACHI, KOLKATA 700 054 IASLIC Phone : (033) 2362-9651 Website :, e-mail : Important dates a. Submissions of Papers : July 18th, 2008 b. Acceptance of Papers : September 5th, 2008 c. Camera-ready copy of Papers : October 3rd, 2008 ABOUT THE THEME Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm ---- In the emerging Knowledge Society the conception of Library & information is required to be changed and that is the current trends. IASLIC with a strong linkage with the Professionals and stake holders is providing a common forum to address various issues relating to Library Profession in the era of Knowledge Society at its 23rd National Seminar to be held at the Bose Institute, Kolkata from 10-13 December, 2008. The seminar will provide an opportunity to review and discuss comprehensively the matters related to the changing society to meet the challenges posed by the National Knowledge Commission (NKC), India. THEME : LIBRARY PROFESSION IN SEARCH OF A NEW PARADIGM Papers are invited in the following areas for deliberations 1. Paradigm shifts in LIS profession in the Knowledge Society. Implications of the National Knowledge Commission (NKC) recommendations 2. Libraries and Information Centres (LICs) in the changing paradigm Transformation of LICs Consortia and network formation Technological advancement and LICs : Role of mobile computing and ICT Role of LICs in conservation of heritage Changing library architecture 3. Information Resources (IRs) in changing scenario New media of resources New technologies used in producing IRs Conservation of information resources 4. New forms of work organization in LICs : team work, job sharing, outsourcing, telework 5. Libraries and information services in new environment Adoption of new technologies in providing services Electronic information services 6. Users in the new paradigm Changes in information needs and information seeking behavior of users User education and information literacy issues User satisfaction and management 7. LIS professionals in changing environment New roles and responsibilities as collection developer/ content manager/ consortia manager/ consultant/ teacher Status, reputation and image of the library & information professionals Competency development issues : reorientation and restructuring of LIS courses, continuing education programmes Aptitude development : Human reengineering approach 8. Role and responsibilities of Library Associations in Knowledge Society ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) MEETINGS SIG Theme Convener SIG-Computer Application Open Access Initiatives- Role of LIS professionals Dr. Subarna Das, SIG-Library & Information Science Education Virtual Learning Environment Dr. J. Sharma, SIG-Humanities Information Humanities and impact of IT Md. Syed Abuzar, 9330057962 SIG-Social Sciences Information Organization of Newspaper sources information in India problems and prospects. Dr. P.R. Goswami 23385959/23381571 (O) SIG-Informatrics From Librametrics to Webometrics Dr. P.S. Mukhopadhyay, SIG-Industrial Information Environmental analysis and industrial information Sri S.B. Banerjee Note : Paper may be written on any one or more facets mentioned above or any other related area but it must be oriented towards the main theme. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 1. Both invited and contributed papers will be considered. Submitted papers or extended abstracts will have participative peer-to-peer reviews. 2. A generalized presentation should be avoided. 3. Full Paper with abstract not exceeding 2500 words (not more than 10 pages of A-4 Size paper single space with margin of 1.25 in left / right / top and bottom and duly signed by the author(s) and typed / printed in double space (in duplicate) and also on diskettes composed in MS Word, should reach IASLIC office by 18th July, 2008. Photographs, graphs, charts, if any should be submitted along with the negative copy/ print / tracing paper. Papers may be sent through e-mail and members of the editorial committee would like to communicate all information regarding papers through e-mail. (, 4. A declaration by the author(s) should be made separately (with original signature) that the paper(s) has / have not been sent elsewhere for publication / presentation and copyright of the paper(s) has/have been assigned to IASLIC. 5. Author must clearly indicate the category of sub-theme of the paper. 6. All accepted papers will be invited for presentation either in the main thematic session or in the SIG Meetings of the Seminar. Presenter will be allowed maximum ten minutes for presentation including introduction and conclusion. 7. There will be provision for Poster presentation. All papers accepted for poster presentation will have extended abstract within 300 words in the pre seminar volume. All papers accepted for poster presentation will be allocated time for display of full papers, the area for poster presentation shall be about 3x5 (length x breadth). 8. Papers accepted for presentation on the main theme of the Seminar, SIG Meetings as well as Poster presentation will be included in the printed pre-seminar volume only on receiving non-refundable Rs.800/- (Rupees eight hundred only) in advance / for students and retired persons Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) only which will be adjusted with Registration Fees. DD or local cheques may be sent in favour of IASLIC, Payable at Kolkata and may be sent to Dr. Arun Kumar Chakraborty, Hony. General Secretary, IASLIC, P- 291, CIT Scheme No. 6M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata 700054. In no case money will be refunded. 9. First Author is entitled to get ten copies of reprints 10. The decision of the Editorial Committee will be final and no correspondence regarding the acceptance of papers for presentation in the seminar or otherwise will be entertained. 11. Correspondence regarding papers should be addressed to Dr. Arun Kumar Chakraborty, Hony. General Secretary, IASLIC, P-291, CIT Scheme No. 6M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata 700054. and for seminar update / online registration etc. please visit / Important dates a. Submissions of Papers : July 18th, 2008 b. Acceptance of Papers : September 5th, 2008 c. Camera-ready copy of Papers : October 3rd, 2008 SOME USEFUL INFORMATION Dates : December 10-13, 2008 Venue : Bose Institute P-1/12 CIT SCHEME, VII-M, KANKURGACHI, KOLKATA 700054 Organizing Secretary : Dr. Arun Kumar Chakraborty Librarian Bose Institute Ph : 91-33-25693200/ 3301 Fax : 91- 33-23553886, e-mail :, Director of Thematic Sessions : Prof. P.B. Mangla Retd. Professor & Head Department of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi Rapporteur General : Dr. Shyamal Roy Choudhury Former Head, Physiology Dept. Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya, Tamluk. Guest Lecturer, Physiology Department, Calcutta University, Kalyani University and Vice- President of Bengal Library Association (BLA), Kolkata. Board and Lodging : Accommodation may be arranged to the participants in the Institutional Guest Houses / Dormitories (furnished with minimum amenities) on first- come-first-served basis. Accommodation must be booked in advance with advance payment. Accommodation without advance payment may be arranged in hotel(s) only with actual payment. Registration Fees and Accommodation Category Registration fees (In Rs./-) Individual (Non-residential) 1000.00 Individual (Residential in a Guest House) 1500.00 Individual (Residential in Dormitories) 1300.00 Students / Retired Persons (Non-Residential) 800.00 Students / Retired Persons (Residential in a Guest House) 1300.00 Students / Retired Persons (Residential in Dormitories ) 1100.00 Deputed (Non-Residential) 2000.00 Deputed (Residential in a Guest House) 2500.00 Deputed (Residential in Dormitories) 2300.00 Accompanying family member (with kit) (Non-Residential) 1000.00 Accompanying family member (with kit) (Residential in a Guest House) 1500.00 Accompanying family member (with kit) (Residential in Dormitories) 1300.00 Accompanying family member (with kit) (Non-Residential) 1000.00 Individual from SAARC / Other countries US$150.00+ Accommodation as per actual NB: 1. Registration on or before 10th November, 2008 ---- 10% discount on registration fees 2. 75% refund will be given if cancelled before 1st December, 2008, no refund will be given for non-participation 3. Hotel accommodation may be booked on request after receiving of an advance payment on actual cost. Delegate fees : Every delegate will have to pay a sum of Rs.50/- at the IASLIC (for all categories of delegates) counter (at the venue). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guidelines for Preparing and Transferring Final Papers to IASLIC First Author*, Second Author *Institution and Country of first authors affiliation Institution and Country of second authors affiliation, if different from previous Abstract This is where the abstract should be placed. It should consist of a concise summary of the material discussed in the article below. It is preferable not to use footnotes in the abstract or the title. The acknowledgement for funding organizations etc. is placed in a separate section at the end of the text. We wish you success with the preparation of your manuscript. The Abstract must not exceed 100 words. Keywords Maximum 3 keywords may be placed after the abstract. Introduction Provide briefly a historical perspective regarding the subject of your manuscript. Background Provide broad definitions and discussions of the topic and incorporate views of others (literature review) into the discussion to support, refute or demonstrate your position on the topic. Main Thrust of the Paper Present your perspective on the issues, controversies, problems, etc., as they relate to theme and arguments supporting your position. Compare and contrast with what has been, or is currently being done as it relates to your specific topic and the main theme of the volume. Future Trends Discuss future and emerging trends. Provide insight about the future of the topic from the perspective of published research on the topic. If appropriate, suggest future research opportunities within the domain of the topic. Conclusion Provide discussion of the overall coverage of the topic in your manuscript and conclusion should include key findings of the paper & concluding remarks. References References should follow the conclusions. The references should be listed in numerical order with the corresponding number cited inside the printed manuscript within square brackets at appropriate places [1, 2]. For example: 1. IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata: 2. E. Duval, E. Forte, K. Cardinaels, B. Verhoeven, R. Van Durm, K. Hendrikx, M.W. Forte, N. Ebel, M. Macowicz, K. Warkentyne, F. Haenni. The ARIADNE Knowledge Pool System: a Distributed Digital Library for Education, Communications of the ACM, 44(5):73-78, May 2001. 3. F. Van Assche, E. Duval, D. Massart, D. Olmedilla, B. Simon, S. Sobernig, S. Ternier and F. Wild. Spinning interoperable applications for teaching & learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 9(2):51- 67, April 2006. Special Issue: Interoperability of Educational Systems. Acknowledgement The acknowledgement for funding organizations etc. should be placed in a separate section at the end of the text. Biodata Please include brief bio data of the author (s) within 50 words and also attached a scanned copy of the latest passport size colour photograph of author (s) Style Manuscript should be printed on A4 size good white paper. Papers must be typed in English using MS Word. Kindly follow the instructions given below for all the pages Margins: Top 1.2 Bottom 1.2 Left 1.2 Right 1.2 Orientation: Portrait Font Arial / 12 pt Heading Times New Roman 15 pt. All Cap. Authors Name Times New Roman 11 pt. Authors Designation Times New Roman 11 pt. Abstract Times New Roman Bold 9 pt. Sub Heading (1 INTRODUCTION) Times New Roman 10 pt. All Cap. Body of the Matter Times New Roman 10 pt. Reference Times New Roman 10 pt. Spacing single line spacing Para Indent: 6 point Length of Paper The length of the manuscript should not exceed 10 pages (2500 words), including, figures/ photographs and references. Figures All figures should be captioned and printed / pasted in appropriate place of the paper. Caption for the figures should be printed below the figures and numbered consecutively throughout the text. Tables should be placed closest to the text of citation. Electronic submission of the full paper The final paper(s) may kindly be submitted to and In case it is not possible to send the paper by e-mail, then the same may be sent along with a CD-ROM / diskette by post addressed to:- Dr. Arun Kumar Chakraborty Hony. General Secretary Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) P-291, CIT Scheme 6 M Kankurgachi, Kolkata 700054 Phone (O) (033) 2362-9651, Website : All the correspondence regarding the volume may please be addressed to the above address / e-mail. AUTHORS KIND COOPERATION IN COMPLYING WITH THESE GUIDELINES IS SOLICITED. PAPERS MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR ACCEPTANCE IF GUIDELINES / GENERAL INSTRUCTION TO AUTHORS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. ABOUT THE IASLIC The Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) was established in 1955 as a non-profit national organization. IASLIC, during the last fifty years, has made a remarkable and stellar contribution in its mission to promote library and information science movement; to improve professional competencies; and to foster coordination and cooperation among the professional associations and organizations. IASLIC has become the leader-coordinator in the field of special librarianship in India. The IASLIC holds seminar and conference in alternate years. Current problems of libraries and information services and other allied areas are selected as themes for discussion on these occasions. 22 Seminars and 26 Conferences had taken place at different research and academic institutions in various parts of the country upto 2007. IASLIC ( has announced the 23rd All India Seminar to be held at Bose Institute, Kolkata during 10-13 December, 2008. ABOUT THE BOSE INSTITUTE The Bose Institute was founded by Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose, F.R.S., in 1917. The institute is one of the earliest, perhaps the first modern research institute in India. Acharya J.C. Bose is generally acknowledged as the father of modern scientific research in India. The institute has evolved over the years into a multi-disciplinary research organization with stress on fundamental research in its pursuit of advancement of knowledge in Science and Technology and Is still developing highly competent and able scientific manpower for the country. Highly qualified and experienced scientists working in the field of Biological, Biochemical, Chemical and Physical Sciences placed in long established departments of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics, Bioinformatics and the research sections of Plant Molecular & Cellular Genetics, Animal Physiology, Immunotechnology and Environmental Science. Besides, there are service centres such as Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF), Central Instrumentation Facility, BIC, Library, Workshop, Madhyamgram Experimental Farm etc. The wide ranging and comprehensive base of available scientific infrastructure also comprises the Acharya J. C. Bose High Altitude Research Centre at Darjeeling and experimental field stations at Falta and Madhyamgram in West Bengal catering to the need and requirements of scientists in their researches. Bose Institute has thus, very effectively and successfully achieved the major objectives for which it was established and continues to grow in its scientific excellence contending with the best in biochemical, biophysical and physical and plant sciences. The Bose Institute is one of the few multi-disciplinary institutions in the country that has succeeded in developing a vast intellectual resources in areas ranging from astrophysics, radiation physics, quantum mechanics to the frontline areas of contemporary biology such as bioinformatics & computational biology, structure and functional dynamics of Biomolecules, Drug Modeling, Molecular Genetics of Microbes, and development of Transgenic Plants. In addition to the research and development the institute has recently introduced one Integrated M.Sc. - Ph.D. programme in Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in collaboration with University of Calcutta and M.Sc. programme in Astrophysics in collaboration with Astroparticle Physics St. Xaviers College, Kolkata. Based on the enduring development of scientific expertise for 90 yrs, the institute has scripted a programme of research for 11th five year plan that will allow it to retain the competitive edge in the 21st Century. Several steps have been recently initiated to further improve accessibility and connectivity to internet services. In an addition, efforts are underway to develop a digital library to improve access to scientific literature search and exchange of data. The Bose Institute Library, a national pride, was founded by Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose in the year 1917. It is a special science reference Library, primarily meant for the use of its research staff i.e. faculty members and research scholars and staff of the Institute. It is also frequently used by the faculty members and research scholars of other Institutes and Universities located in and around Kolkata and West Bengal. A wing of the Library has been opened at "Acharya J.C. Bose Centenary Campus" at Kankurgachi, Kolkata in the year 1983. A new wing of library is opened in 2008 in Salt Lake Campus. The Library, besides having a huge collection of books on physical and biological sciences offers library services through its various Divisions. The Systematic Accession Register was started in this Library from 1937. First name that auspicious book was "Space, Time and Gravitation" by A.S. Eddington (1929). The library has a collection of 0.50 lakh books. Few collections are being digitized viz. a few rare books of BI library, 400 thesis collection whose metadata upto content level is also available in digital format and a few collection of Sir J.C. Bose is also digitized by library. The library is in the verge of total computerization of its collection. Library provides access to more than 2000 E-Journals and E-Book collections. The library is pioneer in subscribing BMN Reviews, Scopus of Elsevier and Century of Science of ISI Web of Science. These resources can be accessed form library website from Main Campus and Centenary Campus of the Institute. Bose Institute and IASLIC The Bose Institute has long association with IASLIC since its inception. The first IASLIC Conference was held at the Hindi High School, Calcutta on 10th and 11th April, 1956. Dr. D.M. Bose (1956 & 1957) the then Director of Bose Institute was elected first President and delivered his Presidential Address. Prof. P.K. Ray, Ex-Director of this Institute was the President of IASLIC for 1994 and 1995. Bose Institute is celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Sir J.C. Bose, Founder, Bose Institute and 91st year of the Institute. On the mark of this occasion IASLIC Seminar 2008 will be held at Bose Institute un December, 2008. DR. ARUN KUMAR CHAKRABORTY LIBRARIAN BOSE INSTITUTE, KOLKATA, INDIA CENTENARY CAMPUS : P1/12 CIT SCHEME - VII-M, KOLKATA 700 054 INDIA PH: 91-33-2355 9544, 9416, 9219 FAX: 91-33-2355 3886 MAIN CAMPUS: 93/1 A.P.C. ROAD, KOLKATA 700 009 INDIA PH: 91-33-2350 2402/03, FAX: 91-33-2350-6790 Ph(Res): 91-33-23242100, E-MAIL: -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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Dr. Arun K. Chakraborty
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