OpenMED - Pre-launch Review

Dear Members, We are ready to launch a new service of providing facilities to authors to self-archive their articles. We have named it as OpenMED as being OPEN access archive for MEDical and Allied Sciences. It is descibed as under and available from URL. "OpenMED is an open access archive for Medical and Allied Sciences. Here authors / owners can self-archive their scientific and technical documents. For this they need to register once in order to obtain a user id in OpenMED system. However no registration is required for searching the archive or viewing the documents. OpenMED is a discipline based International Archive. It accepts both published and unpublished documents having relevance to research in Medical and Allied Sciences including Bio-Medical, Medical Informatics, Dental, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Sciences. These could be preprints (pre-refereed journal paper), postprints (refereed journal paper), conference papers, conference posters, presentations, technical reports/departmental working papers and theses. In case of non-English documents, descriptive data [Author, Title, Source etc.], abstract and keywords must be in English. Submitted documents will be placed into the submission buffer and would become part of OpenMED archive on their acceptance. The aim of OpenMED is to provide free service to academics, researchers, and students working in the area of Medical and Allied Sciences. We expect it to promote self-archiving and open access to papers / scholarly publications in these fields." Can you please test / review it and give your feedback. Thanks Sukhdev Singh, Bibliographic Informatics Division, National Informatics Centre, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi
participants (1)
Sukhdev Singh