First Workshop on Eprints in Library and Information Science
Apologies for X Postings First Workshop on Eprints in Library and Information Science22 October, 2005 from 13:45 to 19:00Council Chamber, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland The workshop takes place right after the CERN workshop on Innovationsin Scholarly Communication OAI4 Itis sponsored by CERN, CILEA and the Polytechnic University ofValencia. The meeting is followed by a reception. The workshop is for activists, friends and folks who want to find outmore about the E-LIS eprints archive for Library and InformationScience (LIS), at E-LIS was formed in 2003to further the open archiving of papers in LIS and related fields. Itis an open-access international eprints archive maintained byvolunteers. It has grown spectacularly well. At the time of writingalmost 3000 eprints have been archived. At the workshop the E-LIS community will discuss technical details ofE-LIS and organizational models for the E-LIS community. Outsiderswill find it interesting to see how a really successful open archiveworks. Some efforts that are related to E-LIS will also be discussed.This workshop will be an important contribution to the development ofopen archiving within LIS scholarly communication. Registration for this event is free, but limited to to the first 150people. See the workshop web site at For further details and online registration. Thanks & Regards Bhojaraju G,Librarian – Knowledge ManagementHomepage: ************************************************************ICICI OneSource Ltd.148 Bhaskara Plaza, RV Road,VV Puram, Bangalore-560004, INDIA.Cell:+91-944 836 9905 E-mail:,************************************************************Visit & Pl put your comments on Guest BookKM Cyberary:
participants (1)
Bhojaraju G