Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings from Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat One of our Faculty Members is looking for the under mentioned Book Chapters for his academic usage. Details: 1. *Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism* by Michael Barnett, Published by: Cornell University Press, https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7591/j.ctt7z8ns (In this book, chapter: 5 The New International (pp. 97-106)) 2. *Foreign Policy Breakthroughs: Cases in Successful Diplomacy* by Robert Hutchings (ed.), Jeremi Suri (ed.) (In this book, chapter: 2 Humanitarian Diplomacy after World War II: The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) It will be great if you can help us.[Email ID: gaurang.raval@rru.ac.in] Thank you in advance Regards | सादर *Gaurang Raval *| *गौरांग रावल* Library & Information Officer | पुस्तकालय और सूचना अधिकारी *Rashtriya Raksha University India *| *राष्ट्रीय रक्षा विश्वविद्यालय भारत* Lavad - Dehgam, Gandhinagar – 382305 | लवाड - देहगाम, गांधीनगर - ३८२३०५ Gujarat, India | गुजरात, भारत Contact No: 8160885285; Ext. 41034 | संपर्क नंबर: ८१६०८८५२८५; इण्टरकॉम ४१०३४ https://rru.ac.in/mr-gaurang-raval/ RRU https://rru.ac.in/| Library https://rru.ac.in/library-facilities/ | OPAC https://opac.rru.ac.in/| MyLOFT https://www.myloft.xyz/|Turnitin https://rruniversity.turnitin.com/
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Gaurang Raval