Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 22:48:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: rupesh kumar
Respected & Dear All,
With due regards to the thought-provoking comments made on this issue by
many revered professionals, I have a few things to say.
Yes, Staff Exchange Programme is a very good idea as long as libraries can
afford to do it and are allowed to do so by their parent authorities.
The concept of Visiting Faculty also sounds good. But there is a
difference in the very functioning of a university department and a
library. As Mr. Sukhdev Singh has clearly pointed out, many a time, this
kind of endeavors do not materialize simply because of "ego clashes" among
people working in the same organization !!! We need to shed our ego for
the good of the organization. Unless we do that, no such efforts bear
I have another point to make. For many a problem in our profession,
technology gives the solution. One has to think of "using one technology
to teach another technology".
Lastly, I request you to visit the site , download, use and do
comment on my efforts which is going somewhat in similar lines as of this
subject matter (I hope to upload as many resources as possible soon).
Thanks & Regards,
Sukhdev Singh wrote: Dear Friends,
Ok, This can be easily done on a Wiki Page. People desiring to help in
various library oriented softwares may add themselves to the following
wiki page.