Digital Libraries created by IIM Kozhikode, India

Dear Friends, Two Digital Libraries created by Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) at Indian Institute of Management-Kozhikode ( is available for access 1. The first one crated basically for IIMK, is available at . This DL has been created by using Greenstone Software and the same is listed at Greenstone site under examples at The copyrighted materials like eJournals and educational videos will not be able to access from outside, as they are accessible IP based only, and the second one (Videos) is copyrighted. But this can be a model, in a practical DL setting, which also can be emulated with our own collection. Also they are now putting lots of public domain material of interest to many people. 2. The second one "" they did for HIN/WHO as an eLearning platform for doctors in India, which has over 12 million citations, over 1500 plus free full-text eJournals and over 1000 eBooks meticulously packaged along with a host of value added information services. You can see the page announced at at "". The test bed for this product was made at the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore in their 26 medical schools (you can see the site hosted at RGUHS "" also, at "E-Learning@RGUHS" link. Lots of our medical librarians/libraries shall benefit out of this. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Vote for the stars of Yahoo!'s next ad campaign!
participants (1)
JK Vijayakumar