[Now Available] KnowGenesis IJTC Vol 1 Issue 3

Dear Colleagues, KnowGenesis International Journal for Technical Communication (IJTC) has just published its latest issue at http://knowgenesis.net/journal/index.php?journal=IJTC. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. For your convenience, the issue is also available at KnowGenesis Online Library (www.knowgenesis.org/tc) as single PDF file. To access the journal online, you'll need your login ID and password. Please note that your credentials for accessing the journal is different from that required for KnowGenesis library. You can register yourself with KnowGenesis Library by visiting http://knowgenesis.org/tc/index.php?option=com_registration&task=register Thanks for the continuing interest in our work. We are looking forward for your visit to our website. -- Saurabh Kudesia Editor-in-chief KnowGenesis IJTC editorinchief@... www.knowgenesis.net/journal *************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS - Vol 1 Issue 3, Sept 2006 Editorial --------- Winning the Cross-Cultural Marathon By Saurabh Kudesia pp 4-5 Rendezvous with KnowGenesis --------------------------- Dr. Carol Barnum Professor, Information Design Director, Usability Center, Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, GA pp 6-9 Book Review ----------- The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation pp 10 Managing Your Documentation Project pp 10 Guest Column ------------ Quality Criteria for Indexes, Website Navigation and Search By Fred Brown pp 11- 19 Research -------- Contribution of the Indian Medical Service to the Documentation of Materia Medica, Medicinal Plants and Medical Topography of India, 1750-1925 By Prof. A. Neelameghan pp 20-30 Fluctuations in Document Accessibility: A Study of Five Search Engines By Prof. S.M.Shafi and Rafiq A. Rather pp 31-35 Regular ------- Perception at work By Prema Lawrence pp 36-39 *************************** ABOUT KNOWGENESIS JOURNAL ------------------------- KnowGenesis International Journal for Technical Communication (IJTC) is a freely available, international, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines under Technical Communication. KnowGenesis IJTC is a volunteer effort that brought some of the finest International minds at one place. Thanks to their dedication and support,KnowGenesis IJTC became the first Indian Journal listed by American Education Research Association (AERA) SIG Communication of Research. AERA SIG list is a prestigious list of electronic journals consisting of scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, which are accessible without cost. Recently, UNESCO and Digital Curation Centre (DCC) UK have also included KnowGenesis IJTC in their list of international journals. KnowGenesis is proud to have authors listed from prestigious institutes like NISCAIR, University of Mississippi, University of Calcutta, STC IIT, IIIT, TIFR, Syracuse University, Clemson University, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Pennsylvania State University, National Informatics Centre (India), Lenta (Russia), Chabot-Las (California), Washington State Department of Information Services, GE Research and STC Chapters, to name a few. KG IJTC is available at www.knowgenesis.net ACCESSING THE JOURNAL ONLINE ---------------------------- The online version of this Journal is available at http://www.knowgenesis.net/journal. Prior registration is required to access the Journal content online. REGISTER FOR THE JOURNAL ------------------------ For FREE registration, visit the registration page (http:// w w w . k n o w g e n e s i s . n e t / j o u r n a l / i n d e x . p h p ?journal=IJTC&page=user&op=register) or send your registration request to editorinchief@knowgenesis.org or admin@knowgenesis.org REPRINT PERMISSIONS ------------------- Send your reprint requests to editorinchief@knowgenesis.org SUGGESTIONS/FEEDBACK -------------------- KnowGenesis editorial team values your comments and suggestions. Let us know if you have any suggestions, ideas and concepts that can help us improve the quality of IJTC. Send your feedback to editorinchief@knowgenesis.org. Share your opinions about the current issue with us. CALL FOR PAPERS --------------- Authors are hereby invited to submit articles for peer review and publication in the coming editions of the KnowGenesis IJTC. Short columns, letters, reviews (book/product/technology), short technical releases, and study abstracts are also welcome. Articles are accepted on the basis that they will make a lasting contribution to technical literature. Information regarding scope, policies and author guidelines can be found by visiting the About the Journal section (http://knowgenesis.net/journal/index.php?journal=IJTC&page=about). Submission can be done anytime using the online submission system (http://www.knowgenesis.net/journal/index.php?journal=IJTC&page=about&op=submissions). You can also send your contribution for consideration directly to editorinchief@knowgenesis.org VOLUNTEERING FOR IJTC --------------------- Interested in volunteering for KnowGenesis? We are always looking for volunteers to support our activities. If you think that you have the right blend of enthusiasm, talent and approach, write to us at editorinchief@knowgenesis.org along with your profile, for consideration. --------------------------------
participants (1)
Saurabh Kudesia