Intereresing pgm -- hrmohan
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From: HR Mohan ACM
Date: Wed, Sep 30, 2020, 9:27 PM
Subject: Fwd: [CODE4LIB] Sign up for Mini-ELAG, the online mini conference!
October 20, 2020
To: Mohan Hr
Date: October 20, 2020 14:00 – 15:00 CEST
Registration is free, sign up here:
We got a program for the Mini-ELAG next month! Join us on Microsoft Teams
and learn what our ELAG presenters have been doing the last months. This
Mini-ELAG will be filled with 5 to 10 minute lightning talks and is free
for registered participants.
ELAG is Europe’s premier conference on the application of information
technology in libraries and documentation centres. For over thirty years,
the ELAG (European Library Automation Group) Conference has provided
library and IT professionals with the opportunity to discuss new
technologies, to review on-going developments and to exchange best
Collections as Data and Juypter Notebooks: experimenting in Library Labs
Sally Chambers, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University,
Belgium, Julie M. Birkholz, KBR, Royal Library of Belgium’s Digital
Research Lab & Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University,
Belgium and Gustavo Candela, Department of Software and Computing Systems,
University of Alicante, Spain
The international GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) Labs
Community [1] was established in September 2018 following a “Building
Library Labs’’ workshop organised by the BL Labs team at the British
Library [2]. This initial event led to a second workshop at the Royal
Library of Denmark in Copenhagen in March 2019 [3] which in turn inspired a
Book Sprint in Doha, Qatar to write the hands-on guide “Open a GLAM Lab”
[4]. Such activities have been catalysts for other Labs activities in a
range of libraries, including the establishment of the KBR Digital Research
Lab [5], a long-term collaboration between KBR – Royal Library of Belgium
and the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Ghent University, Belgium to
facilitate text and data mining research on KBR’s digitised and
born-digital collections; the emerging DATA-KBR-BE open data platform,
facilitating data-level access to KBR Collections and inspired by the North
American ‘Collections as Data’ initiative [6], as well as the development
of a series of GLAM Jupyter Notebooks [7] set-up by the BVMC Labs as part
of the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library, Alicante, Spain and inspired by
the GLAM Workbench [8]. In this lightning talk we would like to give you a
brief taste of some of our Labs’ experiments from the last few months, and
hopefully inspire you to try some similar experiments in your library!
Duration: 5 minutes
Federated Identity Management for Libraries
Jos Westerbeke, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Access to licensed e-resources is almost always provided based on IP
address authentication. However, big publishers tend to move away from IP
based access and libraries are facing publishers who want to use Single
Sign-On (SSO) configurations. Libraries, then, need to setup SSO in the
right way to protect the privacy of its patrons. Several librarians and
technical specialists launched the Federated Identity Management for
Libraries initiative (FIM4L, to address the lack of a
common best practise. A recommendation document is written about how to
establish federated SSO for libraries while protecting privacy. It
describes the attributes which can be released by the library and
recommends two main options: An anonymous and a pseudonymous
authentication. These recommendations would be useful for librarians and
publishers too, to use FIM and set up federated SSO.
Duration: 5 minutes
STFC Open Science Portal prototype
Vasily Bunakov, STFC UKRI
STFC UKRI is a large research organization, and a funder of science. STFC
Open Science Portal is a Web application that integrates STFC records of
science from a few in-house catalogues and external quality information
sources beyond the organization walls. The talk will give a brief outline
of the progress made with the implementation of this new information
Duration: 5 minutes
The virtual librarian
Peter van Boheemen, Wageningen University & Research Library
Since your library user will not visit your library web site and will not
use your library catalogue but will find what they need by browsing the
internet, why not use browser plug-in technology to build a virtual
librarian, that will travel with the user across any web site and assist
the user when it is relevant.
Duration: 5 minutes
OCR-D: An open ecosystem for improving OCR on historical documents
Clemens Neudecker, Berlin State Library
OCR for historical documents remains a tricky challenge. The German OCR-D
project and community have in recent years created a fully open source
framework and ecosystem for historical document OCR ( Now
the solutions developed will have to demonstrate their effectiveness in
real-world implementation scenarios. In this lightning talk we want to
introduce the OCR-D stack and its features and discuss the open and
participative development strategy of OCR-D in order to encourage others to
experiment with OCR-D, engage with its community and contribute their own
experiences and findings.
Duration: 10 minutes
Institutional Digital Archive
Dries Vanacker & Dhany dHondt, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences
Digitally archiving students’ research in the area of higher education has
always been a challenge. Often these repositories are not very visual or
lack integrations and transparent restrictions regarding access for
external stakeholders is often missing. Moreover, the impact a digital
archive has on the climate and physical storage is not to be
underestimated. In this lightning talk we want to give you a demo of
version one of the in-house developed open source repository that
integrates with Learning Management Systems and tackles the earlier
mentioned concerns. We will expand on the rationale behind the platform and
dive into the technical architecture and infrastructure.
Duration: 10 minutes
Semantic structure recognition in tables of contents of periodicals and
multilingual indexing of abstracts
Manfred Hauer , AGI – Information Management Consultants
intelligentCAPTURE articles moves metadata and abstract of – old and
current – printed articles in periodicals or yearbooks into library
catalogs. Metadata are recognized via a semantic structure recognition
after scanning and OCR. Text like abstracts can be added and indexed from
and into in many languages. Examples from Ibero-American Institute in
Berlin will be given.
Duration: 10 minutes
First steps with FOLIO in Leipzig
Leander Seige, Leipzig University Library
On June 11, 2020, Leipzig University Library was the first institution in
Germany to put services based on FOLIO into productive operation. This was
preceded by about two years of intensive work with the system and
participation in the international community. This talk briefly reports on
the first experiences with the system in terms of technical, librarian and
organizational aspects.
Duration: 10 minutes
Kim Pham
Information Technologies Librarian, University of Denver