One day National SEMINAR on “RESEARCH PUBLICATION AND EVALUATION : Writing Research Papers, Citation Analysis and Anti-Plagiarism”

One day National SEMINAR on “RESEARCH PUBLICATION AND EVALUATION : Writing Research Papers, Citation Analysis and Anti-Plagiarism” Date: 07th November 2015 Time: 9.30 5.30 p.m. Venue: College Auditorium, JBAS College, Chennai Organized by The Central Library of J.B.A.S. College for Women & Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS) About the Seminar Researchers publish their research findings mainly in the form of articles / papers in scientific and technical journals. Scientificpapers are considered as an important indicator to measure the researchoutput / performance of an individual, institution and also a country. Thisindicator is directly linked to the career of an individual researcherand also an institution for getting funds, recognition etc. ‘Publishor Perish’ is the order of the day. There are several tasks involvedin the process of publication such as contents of scientific paper,referencing styles and tools, citation databases, publishing ethics andplagiarism, choosingthe right journal, Impact Factor and H-index etc. This one day nationalseminar provides a platform to the participants to discuss all theabove said issues. Objectives of the SEMINAR To understand the publishing process in scientific and technological journals To discuss the role of Bibliometrics / Scientometrics To motivate faculty and students to publish their research papers To understand Citation Analysis To demonstrate the use of citation database To discuss the issues related to plagiarism. Topics to be Covered Writing and publishing scientific papers Bibliometrics and Scientometrics, Citation analysis of published work (Impact Factor (IF), H-Index, G-Index etc) Citation Databases - Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar etc. Mendeley - Reference management tool Publishing Ethics and Plagiarism Increasing visibility to published papers. Resource Persons Experts from reputed institutions. Target Audience Facultymembers from all Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering and otherdisciplines, Research scholars, Librarians, LIS teachers and students. The number of seats are limited and the selection will be based on ‘first come first served’ basis. Registration Fee: Rs.300/- Fee includes seminar kit, course materials, working lunch and refreshments. The registration fee is to be paid through DD in favour of “JUSTICE BASHEER AHMED SAYEED COLLEGE FOR WOMEN” payable at “Chennai” Last date for registration: 28th October, 2015. For further details please contact: Mrs. M. Jannath Najeemunnisa Beegum Organizing Secretary & Librarian, J.B.A.S. College for Women (Autonomous), No. 56 K.B. Dasan Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 018. Tamilnadu, India. Tel: Library: 91-44-42110745 College: 044- 2436 4152 Mobile: +91-9840596275 Fax No. 044 - 2436 4533 E-mail: -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Arunachalam Hariharan