Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 22:25:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: gayathri sen
Dear Vijayakumar,
Our college has got accredited by National Board for Accreditation and was ISO certified few years back.
First thing please read AICTE norms for addition of books to Central Libraries of institutions carefully. You have to calculate the no. of titles that are required based on when your institution was incorporated and what was the intake. You get this AICTE handbook in its office near central college. After you calculate, see how many you already have in each subject area in your library.
The shortage can be procured in this way.
1. I am sure you have reputed publishers catalog eg. PHI, Thomson Learning, TMH, Galgotia etc etc. with you. Circulate this to different departments or call for a meeting and bring it to their notice and ask them to give a list from each dept.
2. Arrange book exibitions in different areas required.
3. Get books on approval. Tell them you do not want very expensive books- but books from reputed publishers and economy editions.
4. If you are a member of DELNET go to their site and browse subject wise or institution wise, you get wonderful collection. Their address Check in union catalog of books CCF format. Our institutions data is also there in DELNET database. In location field you give knPESIT, if you want pesit collection.
5. You can contact me for the list too.
Hope this gives you enough information.
Gayathri Sen, PESIT