Two Year Graduate Trainee Programme in central library IIT Madras
INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS CHENNAI- 600 036 Invites applications for Two year Graduate Training Programme in its Central Library. A stipend of Rs. 3000/- and Rs. 3250/- per month will be given to each trainee during the first and second year respectively. Graduates holding Second Class and above in B.Lib & I. Sc. may apply. Knowledge of data processing and previous working experience in a Technical Library are desirable. Selection is through test and interview. Application forms and instructions can be downloaded from the website under the link training and continuing education programme. Application forms can also be obtained from the undersigned by post sending a requisition and enclosing a self addressed stamped envelope for Rs.10/- The maximum age limit is 28 years for General Category, 31 years for OBC category and 33 years for SC/ST category candidates as on 31.08.2006. Application must reach the Registrar, IIT Madras, Chennai-600 036 not later than 31.08.2006. Advt. No. IITM/R/1/ 2006 dated 03.08.2006 Application Instructions REGISTRAR __________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new
Could you share with lis-forum members what the syllabus of the graduate
training programme will be? And at the end of the two year program will the
candidates get a certificate or a diploma?
----- Original Message -----
From: "shashi jena"
participants (2)
shashi jena
Vasumathi Sriganesh