Reminder: Survey of Greenstone Digital Library Software
Apologies for cross posting. Kindly ignore this mail if you have already responded. Dear Professional, As you are aware, Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL), a free software developed by the University of Waikato, New Zealand, is a major Digital Library software in South Asian region. Different institutions/individuals are already developing Interfaces in some of the Indian languages. With a view to promoting further work on and practical applications of the software a survey of the institutions and individuals in South Asian region who are using or intending to use or have attended workshop(s) on the software or otherwise interested in GSDL, is being undertaken. This survey is mainly supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada. UNESCO, Paris and eIFL, Netherlands, are also promoting this software. The results of the survey will be made available to others also, on request. A survey instrument (for individuals and institutions) is made available online at: (for individuals) (for institutions) The survey instrument consists of five parts: Personal Information, Digital Library Activities, Digital Library Support and Services, GSDL Use & Support and Organizational Structure of Future Digital Library Support organization. We request you to fill in the survey instrument as completely as possible. We assure you that whatever information you provide us will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. Please fill either the institutional or individual survey instrument and return to us as early as possible, in any case not later than 30th September 2009. We will appreciate it if you could kindly distribute this to other persons in your country who are involved in GSDL. Alternatively, please provide us the list of address/email ids to which we shall send the survey instrument. A few corrections are made in this survey instrument replacing country specific questions where 'India' or 'Indian' was mentioned with a more general term 'South Asia' or 'National'. Thanks in advance!! Regards, Dr.Anuradha.K.T. National Centre for Science Information Indian Institute of Science Karnataka, Bangalore 560 012 FAX:(+91-80) 23601426/23600683 Tel:(+91-80) 23600271/22932511
participants (1)