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Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 22:36:39 +0800
From: "Lim Ee Peng (Assoc Prof)"
To: diglib@infoserv.inist.fr
Subject: [DIGLIB] CFP: The 8th International Conference on Asian Digital
Libraries 2005
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The 8th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries
Theme: Implementing Strategies and Sharing Experiences
12 - 15 December 2005, Bangkok, Thailand
ICADL2005 is the 8th in a well-established series of annual conferences
Asian Digital Libraries, and focuses on the creation, adoption,
and utilization of digital libraries. It provides an international forum
for sharing
experiences among researchers, educators, practitioners, and policy
from a variety of disciplines such as computer science, library and
science, archival and museum studies, and knowledge management -- as
as many areas in the social sciences and humanities. Submissions of
panels, tutorials, and workshops are invited in all areas of digital
libraries and
related technologies, the management of knowledge in digital libraries,
and the
associated usability and social issues. Research, system, evaluation,
policy, and
position papers are all invited. Suitable topics include but are not
limited to:
+ Strategies with regard to
- economic issues
- legal issues
- organizational issues
- pedagogical issues
- policy issues
- social issues
+ Implementation experiences regarding
- collection development
- international collaboration
- quality of service
- system evaluation
- user communities
- user studies
+ Systems
- architecture
- concepts and models
- integration
- interoperability
+ Techniques
- Asian information processing
- cross-language information access
- human-computer interaction
- information integration
- information mining
- information retrieval
- localization
- metadata
- multimedia
- ontologies
- personalization
- semantic web
- semi-structured data management
- web cataloging
- web-page analysis
+ Management
- access control
- content management
- intellectual property
- security and privacy
- service models
+ Application areas and concerns
- digital archives and museums
- digital preservation
- knowledge management
- education
- e-science
- Grid
- scholarly publishing
Further details about the conference including registration and
location are posted on the conference Web site at
Prospective authors from all parts of the world are invited to submit
their papers
dealing with original work which, at the time of submission, is not
under review
or has not been published or accepted for publication in a journal or by
Papers must be written in English, conforming to the formatting
instructions of
LNCS, Springer (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). Each
must not exceed 10 pages and should contain a list of about 5 key-words,
least one of which must be taken from the topics listed above. Only
submission (PDF format) is accepted via the web page for papers.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Based on their
recommendations, a decision will be made regarding rejection or
as poster (up to 2 pages), short paper (up to 4 pages), or long paper
(up to 10
pages). The Conference Proceedings will be published in the LNCS series,
Best paper awards also will be conferred on the authors of the best
paper(s) at
the conference. Selected ICADL2005 papers may be expanded and revised
possible publication in special issues of:
- International Journal on Digital Libraries
- Journal of Digital Information (http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk)
- Library Hi Tech (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/rpsv/lht.htm)
Proposals for panels, tutorials and workshops should be sent to
icadl2005 at ait.ac.th
+ Submission of paper abstracts: 8 June 2005
+ Submission of full papers: 15 June 2005
+ Submission of panel/tutorial/workshop proposals: 31 July 2005
+ Notification of acceptance: 31 August 2005
+ Camera-ready copy due date: 30 September 2005
Conference Organizers
- Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Thai Library Association, Thailand
Steering Committee Chair
Khunying Maenmas Chavalit, Professor and President,
the Thai Library Association (TLA), Thailand.
Steering Committee Co-Chairs
- Ching-chih Chen, Professor, Simmons College, USA.
- Hsinchun Chen, Professor, The University of Arizona, USA.
- Ee Peng Lim, Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological
Program Committee Co-Chairs
- Edward Fox (Virginia Tech, USA)
- Erich Neuhold (University of Vienna, Austria)
- Pimrumpai Premsmit (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
- Vilas Wuwongse (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
Program Committee
+ America
- Robert Allen (Drexel, USA)
- Christine Borgman (UCLA, USA)
- Weiguo Fan (Virginia Tech, USA)
- James French (Univ. of Virginia, USA)
- Jonathan Furner (UCLA, USA)
- Richard K. Furuta (Texas A&M, USA)
- Peter Jacso (University of Hawaii, USA)
- Judith Klavans (Columbia University, USA)
- Carl Lagoze (Cornell University, USA)
- Yan Quan Liu (Southern Connecticut State University, USA)
- Gary Marchionini (Univ. of North Carolina, USA)
- Edie Rasmussen (U. of British Columbia, Canada)
- Michael Seadle (Michigan State University Libraries, USA)
- Howard Wactlar (CMU, USA)
- Stuart Weibel (OCLC, USA)
- Marcia Lei Zeng (Kent State University, USA)
+ Asia-Pacific
- Jun Adachi (NII, Japan)
- Toshiyuki Amagasa (Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
- Chutiporn Anutariya (Shinawatra University, Thailand)
- N.Balakrishnan (Indian Institue of Science, Bangalore, India)
- Abdus Sattar Chaudhry (NTU, Singapore)
- Chao-chen Chen (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
- Hsueh-hua Chen (NTU, Taiwan)
- Steve Ching (Feng Chia University, Taiwan)
- Key-Sun Choi (KAIST, Korea)
- Schubert Foo (NTU, Singapore)
- Wen Gao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- Maruf Hasan (Shinawatra University, Thailand)
- Jieh Hsiang (National Chi-nan Univ., Taiwan)
- Ching-chun Hsieh (NDAP, Taiwan)
- San-Yih Hwang (NSYSU, Taiwan)
- Soon J. Hyun (Information Communication University, Korea)
- Hiroshi Itsumura (Nagoya University, Japan)
- Paul Janecek (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
- Noriko Kando (NII, Japan)
- Ji-Hoon Kang (Chungnam National Univ., Korea)
- Wai Lam (CUHK, Hong Kong SAR)
- Man-Ho Lee (Chungnam National Univ., Korea)
- Jianzhong Li (Harbin Inst. of Technology, China)
- Dion Goh Hoe Lian (NTU, Singapore)
- Sung Hyun Myaeng (Chungnam National Univ., Korea)
- Ekawit Nantajeewarawat (Sirindhorn International Institute of
Technology, Thailand)
- Liddy Nevile (Univ. of Melbourne, Australia)
- Somporn Puttapithakporn (Sukhothai Thammathirat Open Univ,
- T.B.Rajashekar (Indian Institute of Science, India)
- S.Sadagopan (Indian Institute of Information Technology, India)
- Tetsuo Sakaguchi (Tsukaba University, Japan)
- Hideyasu Sasaki (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
- Praditta Siripan (National Science&Technology Development Agency,
- Ohm Sornil (National Institute of Development Administration,
- Shigeo Sugimoto (ULIS, Japan)
- Katsumi Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Yin-Leng Theng (NTU, Singapore)
- Shalini Urs (University of Mysore, India)
- Ian Witten (Waikato University, New Zealand)
- Christopher C. Yang (CUHK, Hong Kong SAR)
- Jerome Yen (Chinese University of HK, China)
- Masatoshi Yoshikawa (Nagoya University, Japan)
- Li-zhu Zhou (Tsinghua University, China)
+ Europe
- Thomas Baker (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), Germany)
- Ann Blandford (University College of London, UK)
- Jose Borbinha (National Library of Portugal, Portugal)
- Donatella Castelli (Italian National Research Council (IEI-CNR),
- Gobinda Chowdhury (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- Norbert Fuhr (University of Dortmund, Germany)
- Marc Nanard (LIRMM, France)
- Claudia Niederee (Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany)
- Paul Nieuwenhuysen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
- Mike Papazoglou (Tilburg University , Netherlands)
- Carol Peters (Italian National Research Council (IEI-CNR), Italy)
- Andreas Rauber (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
- Keith van Rijsbergen (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Ingeborg Solvberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
- Harold Thimbleby (University College of London, UK)
Organizing Committee Chair
- Khunying Maenmas Chavalit (Thai Library Association (TLA),
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
- Vatcharaporn Esichaikul (Asian Institute of Techology, Thailand)
- Pimrumpai Premsmit (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Local Organizing Committee Chair
- Jaffee Yee (InfoMedia Asia, Ltd., Thailand)
S.M. Pujar
Asst Librarian
IGIDR, Mumbai