LEARNING The open library By Usha Mukunda In this system the librarian moves beyond the concept to actual interaction with users The library is the core of every learning institution where information and knowledge are freely accessible to the learner community. But wait! Is this actually happening in our school and college libraries? When information is freely available on the Internet, is it not an anomaly to restrict access to it in the library? In fact the library has an edge over the Internet, because here the user can benefit from the librarian's presence to screen material for appropriateness, and authenticity. The students learn many important skills of hunting, gathering and assessing for value. They also pick up crucial messages from the adults who run the system. When they understand that there can be freedom only when it goes with responsibility, they have learnt a lesson for life. Against this background, the open library is a perfectly natural state of affairs. This is a library that is open at all times to all users. For the young person, there is no thought of misuse and mistrust as yet! It is up to us to keep it that way. What are the necessary ingredients for starting, and more importantly, sustaining an open library? Mutual trust is the ground from which the library functions. The first step and in fact, every step thereafter, is to be in communication and dialogue with the users. Then, the entire community of users, including the librarian, feels a sense of ownership and accountability. An open library does not imply a casual, or worse, a careless attitude. Rather, it demands of the librarian constant awareness and alertness to anticipate needs, opportunities for further enhancement, and possibilities for all eventualities. It requires affectionate but firm interaction with the users. This is not a list of super qualities but something that evolves out of the relationship with the living library. How can we move beyond the mere concept of an Open Library into the reality of it? Believing that it works (and it has) helps! How are the practical jobs in a library to be done with so much time going on interaction with users? First, make sure every class has a weekly library period. Now you have your work force. At this time, you can have activities to enhance reading and reference work. Students can help in reshelving and book repair. It is amazing how many books they rediscover during these pleasurable tasks. Methods for borrowing and returning can be made very simple enjoy it. Begin the year with an orientation session with every class. Then, over the year, involve children of all ages in book store trips and exhibitions to select books. In the school, organise activities to enhance the use of materials and resources. Arrange talks by authors and other teachers on their favourite books. If you do not want be left behind, find the right software and get your library automated. This will take you further into a successful open library and keep you on par with the most up-to-date libraries. The Open Library is a happy and lively place! YEKANATH N KAMBLE ASST.LIBRARIAN R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE-59 (INDIA) PH.91-80-28600351/28604705/28600184 FAX : 91 - 80 - 2860 0337 MOBILE.9448585358 --------------------------------- Yahoo! Mail Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments. LEARNING The open library By Usha Mukunda In this system the librarian moves beyond the concept to actual interaction with users The library is the core of every learning institution where information and knowledge are freely accessible to the learner community. But wait! Is this actually happening in our school and college libraries? When information is freely available on the Internet, is it not an anomaly to restrict access to it in the library? In fact the library has an edge over the Internet, because here the user can benefit from the librarian's presence to screen material for appropriateness, and authenticity. The students learn many important skills of hunting, gathering and assessing for value. They also pick up crucial messages from the adults who run the system. When they understand that there can be freedom only when it goes with responsibility, they have learnt a lesson for life. Against this background, the open library is a perfectly natural state of affairs. This is a library that is open at all times to all users. For the young person, there is no thought of misuse and mistrust as yet! It is up to us to keep it that way. What are the necessary ingredients for starting, and more importantly, sustaining an open library? Mutual trust is the ground from which the library functions. The first step and in fact, every step thereafter, is to be in communication and dialogue with the users. Then, the entire community of users, including the librarian, feels a sense of ownership and accountability. An open library does not imply a casual, or worse, a careless attitude. Rather, it demands of the librarian constant awareness and alertness to anticipate needs, opportunities for further enhancement, and possibilities for all eventualities. It requires affectionate but firm interaction with the users. This is not a list of super qualities but something that evolves out of the relationship with the living library. How can we move beyond the mere concept of an Open Library into the reality of it? Believing that it works (and it has) helps! How are the practical jobs in a library to be done with so much time going on interaction with users? https://www.online.citibank.co.in/portal/citiinforms.jsp?form_id=newnriappform&Site=DeccanHerald&Creative=Red&Section=ROS&Agency_Code=DBS&Campaign_Code=RCAO&Product_Code=RCA&eOfferCode=DEHRE180 http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/adsimages/red%20180X150.gif First, make sure every class has a weekly library period. Now you have your work force. At this time, you can have activities to enhance reading and reference work. Students can help in reshelving and book repair. It is amazing how many books they rediscover during these pleasurable tasks. Methods for borrowing and returning can be made very simple enjoy it. Begin the year with an orientation session with every class. Then, over the year, involve children of all ages in book store trips and exhibitions to select books. In the school, organise activities to enhance the use of materials and resources. Arrange talks by authors and other teachers on their favourite books. If you do not want be left behind, find the right software and get your library automated. This will take you further into a successful open library and keep you on par with the most up-to-date libraries. The Open Library is a happy and lively place! YEKANATH N KAMBLE ASST.LIBRARIAN R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,MYSORE ROAD, BANGALORE-59 (INDIA) PH.91-80-28600351/28604705/28600184 FAX : 91 - 80 - 2860 0337 MOBILE.9448585358 Yahoo! Mail http://pa.yahoo.com/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=38867/*http://photomail.mail... Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.
participants (1)
yekanath kamble