*COPYRIGHT, COPYLEFT AND LIBRARIES * *– Dr. **S. Rajendran* Copyright has become a contemporary topic of live discussion with the advent of digital technology. Once upon a time, inseparable from books, copyright now covers multiple media and means of communication. Copyright encompasses a heterogeneous bundle of entities making the legal system complicated. This book brings out the current scenario against historical background of copyright. The salient aspect of Indian Copyright Act is lucidly presented. The movements that emerged to counter the adverse effects of copyright like copyleft, open access are also brought out. Other related topics like fair use, compulsory license, plagiarism are dealt with. The implications of copyright and the new developments on Library and Information Services are critically discussed and lacunae in the system is brought out. *Chapters of the book * 1. Introduction, 2. History of Copyright, 3. Indian Copyright Act, 4. Fair Use and Compulsory License, 5. Copyright and Plagiarism, 6. Copyright and Libraries,7. Copyleft and Open Access Movement, 8. Overview and Conclusions. *Dr. S. Rajendran:* - Born in 1951, Dr Rajendran had his professional education in University of Kerala and University of Mysore. Took Ph D from University of Calicut. Dr S Rajendran joined ISRO in 1973 in the Information and Documentation Cell of SLV 3 Project. He became a member of SLV-Continuation Project, ASLV Project and PSLV Project. He was a member of the core Project in ISRO’s first 10 launch vehicle missions. Later he was shifted to Library and Information Division, VSSC as Section Head (Automation). He was appointed Deputy Division Head (1999) and later became the Division Head in July 2000. He was also the founder Head, Library of Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) from its inception in 2007. After superannuation from VSSC in 2011 he continued in IIST as Chief Consultant (Library & information Services) till 2016. Start Shopping https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=60fe4f6c40&e=077eb4a528 https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=22a100b10c&e=077eb4a528 *Copyright © 2018|* *|SREE VISWAYOGI PUBLICATIONS|*, All rights reserved.* *Our mailing address is:* sreeviswayogipublications@gmail.com Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/profile?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=493ecd53ea&e=077eb4a528 or unsubscribe from this list https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=493ecd53ea&e=077eb4a528&c=fb0adf770a . This email was sent to dgprathap@gmail.com *why did I get this?* https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/about?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=493ecd53ea&e=077eb4a528&c=fb0adf770a unsubscribe from this list https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=493ecd53ea&e=077eb4a528&c=fb0adf770a update subscription preferences https://facebook.us16.list-manage.com/profile?u=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&id=493ecd53ea&e=077eb4a528 Sreeviswayogi Publications · TC 5 / 2535, GOKULAM · GOLF LINKS LANE, KAWDIAR · THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695003 · India [image: Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp] http://www.mailchimp.com/monkey-rewards/?utm_source=freemium_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=monkey_rewards&aid=e278afa77d2d004fd159e4989&afl=1 -- *Best Regards* *Viswayogi Prathap* *Director,* *+91 9446522321, 9562185975*
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