Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 2:15:34 -0500
From: Atanu Garai
I am not particularly aware of the incorporations of information literacy
related modules in course instructions of school/undergraduate or graduate
levels in S.Africa or SE Asian countries,but as you know information
literacy as a precursor for making young citizens fit for the knowledge
society has been promoted in US for a long time since past two decades by
the LIS schools,LIS associations and even the government.Information
literacy has been taught as part of curriculum even at the school
level;students are encouraged to learn how to search and retreive
information in very nascent stages.Whereas,lack of this skill prevents us to
produce quality information literate people,even doctoral candidates lack
basic information search skills.
I wonder how many of our LIS schools have incoporated "information literacy"
in thier course curriculum.I have gone through an LIS syllabi bank recently
and have not traced a single one.
It is indeed imperative to start from the LIS itself then intoducing the
information literacy into other disciplines.
Atanu Garai|
--------- Original Message --------
From: Mailing List Manager
Subject: RE: [LIS-Forum] FW: [BOAI] New PLoS/OSI institutional membership
grants (fwd)
Date: 07/04/04 13:07
Is there anything that can be done to market the OA initiative among
institutions in India ? Is it possible that we are wrong in our approach
each time ? I am talking here about the "Information literacy"
of our elite (the educated, of course).