Prof Karisiddppa is new dean at karnataka univ
hello Prof Karisiddappa, professor , DLIS, Karnatak univ; former president of ILA and president of IATLIS has been appointed as Dean in the university. he is one among few professors in LIS appointed as dean on behalf of the professionals and the teachers, I congratulate him. I wish him all the best and hope that he will be able to do some good work as usaual laxman rao Prof. N.LAXMAN RAO, Chairman, Board of Studies, Dept.of Library & Information Science, Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA) Vice President, Association of British Scholars(AP Chapter) Vice-President, Faculty Club, Osmania University Ph:+91-40-27171565(res): +91-40-27682290(off) 9246547599(Mobile) e:mail-- OR --------------------------------- Yahoo! Model Search - Could you be the next catwalk superstar? Check out the competition now hello Prof Karisiddappa, professor , DLIS, Karnatak univ; former president of ILA and president of IATLIS has been appointed as Dean in the university. he is one among few professors in LIS appointed as dean on behalf of the professionals and the teachers, I congratulate him. I wish him all the best and hope that he will be able to do some good work as usaual laxman rao Prof. N.LAXMAN RAO, Chairman, Board of Studies, Dept.of Library & Information Science, Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA) Vice President, Association of British Scholars(AP Chapter) Vice-President, Faculty Club, Osmania University Ph:+91-40-27171565(res): +91-40-27682290(off) 9246547599(Mobile) e:mail-- OR* Yahoo! Model Search - Could you be the next catwalk superstar? Check out the* competition now
participants (1)
Prof. N. Laxman Rao.