Karnataka State Library Association ® C/o Canara Bank School of Management Sciences Central College campus Bangalore University, Bangalore-1 No.KALA/AGM/2001-2005/june18 AGM notification Annual General-body Meeting (AGM) of KALA is convened on 9th July 2005, Saturday, at 4.00 PM. All the members are requested to make it convenient to attend the AGM. Venue: Granthangana, City Central Library, RPC layout (near Bus stop) Vijayanagar, Bangalore- 560040 AGENDA: 1. Tabling Annual report 2001- 2005 2. Tabling Audited statement report 2001-2005 3. Election of Governing body members - Election Officer- Sri.N.V.Sathyanarayana, Informatics 4. Official announcement of elected GB members by election officer 5. Presidents Address Ms.Adilaksmi S Secretary, KALA
participants (1)