Hello, No words can express the loss and the void Dr. T.B.Rajashekar has left on all our lives. His untimely death is a big blow, which has left all of us shattered. A fantastic human being and a dedicated profession. He touched all our lives in his special way. I had the fortune of being his student and his colleague as well...i cherish each day that i have spent with him and all that remains now, are memories. May his Soul rest in peace, and may the Lord give his family the strength to bear this loss. He shall always live in our hearts and we have to now, ensure we give back the same decidcation and commitment to the profession to which he dedicated his life and made us what we are today. We shall always miss u Sir. Regards, -- Ayesha __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com
participants (1)
Ayesha Taranum