Dear Library Professionals, *“**NACLIN 2011**”* *14th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking* Jointly Organised by DELNET, New Delhi and Central Library, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal During November 15-17, 2011 *Theme: Libraries at the Crossroads* The libraries in the 21st century are confronted with issues involving constantly increasing information overload, changing patterns of resource management, new and growing technologies, specialised needs and expectations of users which are threatening the very existence of the usual functioning of libraries around the world and have pushed them to the crossroads. It is with these concerns in mind that the 14th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking, NACLIN 2011 is being organised at Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal from November 15-17, 2011. It is planned that the invited experts and the participants will deliberate on these and other pertinent issues and produces a roadmap for libraries and library professionals. The national convention is scheduled for three days. The first day is devoted to conducting tutorials by experts on the following topics: Ø Joomla: Content Management System Ø Koha: An Open Source Library Management Software The next two days will focus on the theme of the National Convention: Libraries at the Crossroads The theme is divided into several sub-themes as detailed below: *Sub-Theme 1* Managing Digital Libraries and Resources Digital Library Technologies Digitisation Modern Library Management Content Management Knowledge Management Digital Preservation Open Access to Knowledge Managing Web Resources: Crossing the Barriers Managing Change in Libraries Institutional Repositories Indigenous Knowledge Public Libraries as Knowledge Centres Open Access to Knowledge *Sub-Theme 2* Knowledge Networking and Consortia Networking Libraries and Information Centres Sharing of Digital Resources Best Consortia Models Archiving Consortia-based Resources *Sub-Theme 3* Technologies Affecting Libraries ICT Web 2.0 Mobile Technologies Library Portal Web-based OPAC RFID Open Access Open Source Software Archiving of E-resources Electronic Publishing Semantic Web Multilingual Technologies Storage Devices: Emerging Technologies *Sub-Theme 4* Library Services and Users’ Needs Library Services: Best Practices ICT-based Services Marketing LIS Products User Satisfaction User Studies *Sub-Theme 5* Copyright and IPR IPR and Digital Environment Open Access and Copyright Infringement Digital Rights Management Digital Libraries and IPR Copyright Management: International Efforts *Sub-Theme 6* Human Resources Management Skill Competencies in LIS Education Information Literacy E-learning Leadership Qualities E-governance Lifelong Learning *Submission of Papers:* Original papers on the above sub-themes or related themes are invited. The papers should be based on research surveys, case studies or action plans. Papers should not normally exceed 5,000 words or 16 double-spaced pages, besides tables, diagrams, etc. Also, each paper should contain an abstract and a keyword list. The abstract should state in about 150 words the sum and substance of the paper and the main conclusions made. Not more than ten key words should be given in alphabetical order, which describe the main issues discussed, empirical investigation, and conclusions. The paper should also contain the authors’ names, title, organisation, address, telephone, fax, and E-mail address. All references should be presented according to the Chicago Manual of Style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html). Papers should be typed in the following document setup: 8.5” x 11” page size, 1.25” margins, 12 point Times Roman and double spaced. Papers may be typed as Text, Word or in RTF format. Every paper has to be accompanied by copyright declaration according to the format in the conference website www.naclin.org. At least one of the authors listed in the paper must register for NACLIN 2011 within one week after the paper has been accepted for presentation in NACLIN. The completed paper may be sent electronically to hkkaul at gmail.comhttp://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum Also a hard copy of the same along with the copyright declaration may be sent to Dr. H. K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, JNU Campus, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070. Last date for submission of papers: October 10, 2011. *Conference Language* The conference language is English. * * *Who Should Attend?* Librarians, Professional Library Staff and other Library and Information Science Professionals, Knowledge Seekers, Leaders in Knowledge Industry, Government Officials, Content Management Experts, Information Management Experts, Professional Staff of IT Companies, Industrialists, Technology Managers, Knowledge Officers, Media Experts, Knowledge Centre Managers and Knowledge Managers. *Participation Fee* *India/SAARC Countries* DELNET Member-Libraries Rs.2500 DELNET Non-Members from outside West Bengal Rs.3000 Participants from West Bengal Rs.1500 Students (Regular LISc, Certficate from HOD is a must) Rs.1000 *NON-SAARC Countries* DELNET Member-Libraries US$ 150 Non-Members US$ 250 Additional delegates from the same organisation will be offered 25 per cent discount. Accompanying Person (non-LIS professional, family member): Rs. 1000 per person for attending the Convention. Accommodation charges will be extra. *Payment Details * Demand Draft may be drawn in favour of “NACLIN 2011” and payble at “State Bank of India, Santiniketan Branch, Code-2121”. For all foreign transactions, the State Bank of India, Santiniketan offers SWIFT CODE: SBIN IN BB343. ATM facility is available at the State Bank of India and Axis Bank within the University Campus. *Dates to Remember* Last Date for Registration: November 1, 2011 (*On the spot registration is also available*) Last Date for Submission of Papers: October 10, 2011 *ADDRESS FOR THE COMMUNICATION * *Registration/Accommodation * *Submission of Papers * *Dr Subodh Gopal Nandi Dr. H.K. Kaul* Organising Secretary, NACLIN 2011 Director & Librarian DELNET-Developing Library Network Visva-Bharati, JNU Campus, Nelson Mandela Road Santiniketan 731235 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110070 Tel: 03463-262783 Tel.: 91-11-26742222, 26741111, Mobile: 09434064278 26741302 Mobile: 09370642225 Fax: 91-11-26741122 E-mail: naclin2011@gmail.com Mobile: 9891016667, 9810329992 subodhgopal.nandi@visva-bharati.ac.in E-mail:hkkaul@gmail.com *Please refer the Visva-Bharati Website ( http://visva-bharati.ac.in/News/news.htm) or DELNET website ( http://delnet.nic.in/) to download the 14th NACLIN Brochure.* -- Thanks and regards. Ajay Kumar Sharma Assistant Librarian & In-charge, Journal Section, Central Library, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan - 731235, Bolpur, Birbhum, West Bengal & Webmaster of ABSLA Email: ajaysharma.lib@visva-bharati.ac.in Web: http://www.absla.org/ajay.html Web Blog: http://www.blogger.com/home?pli=1 *********************************************************** 1. Join today Digital Library Discussion Forum http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/dlrg 2. Join today LIS-Forum mailing list http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Ajay Kum Sharma