Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:29:26 +0530
From: madaiah krishnamurthy
Dear Professionals friends,
Mysore University Library arranged a half a day brain storm session on New
Gen lib software at Mysore University Library. It was a awesome experience
to listen to such knowledge driven by Professor Haravu. He highlighted the
feautures of Newgenlib which is available on open source software. Both
theoretical and practical sessions gave a clear picture outlining
different layers of Newgen lib. He described the various modules of
Newgenlib like acquisition, technical processing, serial management and
other modules. How to search bibliographic data search by title, MARC 21
bibliographic standard which is using 90 countries. He showed video how to
import MARC 21 from library of congress with the examples of knowledge
management title with ISO 2709 selecting, coping and back to Newgenlib and
pasting. And also he pointed out Newgen lib is complex software and the he
explained the archtitecture of the software which is built on presentation
layer, web layer, application layer, and end of the layer. Staff of the
library and few research schoar were present on this occassion. We were
able to gain practical knowledge of all the aspects of Newgenlib.
Dr.M.Krishnamurthy,M.A.,M.L.I.Sc., PhD.
University Librarian
University of Mysore
Mysore 570006
Ph: 91-0821-2514808/2419388
Fax: 91-0821-2419335