Dear all, As we have started a new activity "LIS Compendiumhttp://knol.google.com/k/ajay/lis-compendium/1w9hmobf2obqc/4" at knol... We request all the eminent writers to post their articles to 'LIS Compendium'. The subject of the article shall be related to Library and Information Science. How to contribute your article to 'LIS Compedium'? 1. Type your article in MS Word. save it with extension .doc. 2. Visit http://knol.google.com and click on "Write a Knol" option.(Check screenshot 1) 3. Four option will be there... if you have a doc file... select the fourth option... 4. select the doc file you want to upload and then click on Upload 5. Enter the Title, subtitle and summary for the same... 6. Click on Save and then Close. 7. Check the option given on the right side... Click on publish. 8. Open new Explorer window and type " http://knol.google.com/k/ajay/lis-compendium/1w9hmobf2obqc/4" 9. click on "Submit a know to this collection ". All the knols/Articles created by you will displayed before you... 10. Select the knol/Article you want to upload to the collection and click done... Your Article will be moderated and if found useful will be added to the collection... Thanks and regards -- Ajay M. Kamble Librarian Annasaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce, Science College, Vasai Road (W), Dist. Thane - 401202 www.mlsc.co.nr www.ajaykamble.co.nr -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Ajay Kamble