---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: "Dr Suresh Jange"
Date: Tue, July 10, 2018 9:20 am
Dear Moderator,
Kindly post the following message
Sub: *Festschrift Volume in Honour of *Prof. Muttayya M. Koganuramath*
Prof. Muttayya M. Koganuramth* is one of the renowned LIS professionals
and a great teacher Librarian in India. He is known for his Excellence in
Innovation, Creativity, Public Relations, Management, and User Services.
Above all, he is a great human being, the source of inspiration and
motivator, specially to the younger minds and professionals. He
superannuated on 31st May 2018 as Dean and Professor, School of Library and
Information Science, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar after
serving for more than 35 years of dedicated service as a librarian,
administrator and a great teacher. He devoted his entire career to the
library profession and its development.
Prof. Muttayya M. Koganuramth* was born on 1st June, 1953 in Ichhangi
village in Savanur Taluk, Haveri District, Karnataka State. He obtained his
Master of Library and Information Science in 1984 from Karnatak University,
Dharwad with First Rank and Gold Medal and was awarded prestigious TCTP
Fellowship to pursue MSc in Information Management at Sheffield University,
England. He completed his PhD in 1995 from Karnataka University, Dharwad.
He worked at premier universities like National Institute of Technology,
Surathkal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Tata Institute of
Social Sciences, Mumbai and provided a dynamic leadership to these
libraries. He was instrumental in setting up of cyber libraries in both
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi which have become model for others to follow. He was the
architect of establishing LIS department at Tata Institute of Social
Sciences, Mumbai and Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar which
started offering PG Diploma in Digital Library and Information Management
programme, M.Lib.I.Sc http://m.lib.i.sc/. and Ph.D programmes in Library
and Information
One of the best ways to acknowledge the untiring and dedicated
contributions of Prof. Muttayya M. Koganuramth is to bring out a
Festschrift volume containing scholarly writings by different eminent
professionals across India in Library and Information Science. We have
decided to release the volume in a grand felicitation ceremony to be
organised in the month of August 2018 during the celebration of Dr. S. R.
Ranganathanâ's birth anniversary. The theme of the festschrift volume has
been chosen as 'Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for LIS Education'
and Practice.
The articles can be on any of the LIS themes of your
choice. Personal memoirs are also invited for inclusion in this volume.*
To make this event memorable, we request you to contribute a paper on the
above theme or related themes. The maximum length of the paper should be
around 5000 words following the APA style for citations. The paper should
be sent via e-mail (in MS-Word format) to mallikarjun.angadi@gmail.com on
or before 20th July, 2018.
The festschrift volume will be published with *ISBN* and a *complimentary
copy of the Festschrift volume *will be sent to the first author of every
published article.
Editorial Team:
Dr. Suresh Jange, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi.
Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi, National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Dr. M. Vijay Kumar, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandar Sindri
Dr. K. B. Agadi, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
Dr. Rishi Tiwari, BIMTECH, Greater Noida (NCR)
Dr. Rakesh Kumar, All India Radio, New Delhi
Suresh Jange *Ph.D*
*University Deputy Librarian*
*IFLA & Commonwealth Professional Fellow*
*Virtual Learning Resource Centre & Digital Library
*Gulbarga University http://www.gulbargauniversity.kar.nic.in/, Gulbarga
- 585 106, *Karnataka, India
*Council Member - Indian Library Association (2016-19)*
*Vice President- Karnataka University Librarians' Association*
*President - Hyderabad Karnataka Librarians' Association*
Mobile - +91-9902570129
URL: www.guglibrary.net
Home: https:// http://jangess.webs.com/sj71.wordpress.com