Inviting papers for COSCOLIDIA -2016 – “National Conference on School Libraries in Digital Age” to be held at Belagavi

Dear LIS Professionals, Seasons best wishes COSCOLIDIA -2016 – “National Conference on School Libraries in Digital Age” is being organized on 12th and 13th May 2016 jointly by Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School Belagavi, Jain Heritage School (JGI) Belagavi and Journal of Library Development (JLD) In Belagavi, Karnataka. *Venue: Jain Heritage School, Next to Belgaum Foundry Cluster, Udyambag, Belagavi - 590008* *Papers are invited from the LIS professionals on the following main theme* *MAIN THEME :* “School Libraries in Digital Age “Coscolidia” *SUB THEMES :* Sub-themes include but not limited to the following: Ø Innovations in School Libraries; Ø Developing Reading Skills; Ø Impact of Digital Technology; Ø School Library Housekeeping Activities and Services; Ø Management of e-Resources; Ø Digital Learning Space; Ø Digital Literacy; Ø Library Space, Finance and Human Resource Management; Ø Best Practices in School Libraries and New Initiatives; Ø School Library Standards. *SUBMISSION OF PAPERS :* · Full paper in CD or by e-mail and a hard copy of the same must reach us on or before the last date. · Paper specifications are:- MS-Word 2007 format and also a pdf file of the same, Font Face:- Times New Roman, Font Size:- 14 (For headings, addresses, affiliations) and 12 (For abstract and text) Indentation:- Justified, Line spacing:- 1, Margin:- 1 inch on all sides and a maximum of 10 A-4 pages using APA Style of citation. · Tables or figures need to be incorporated in the text at appropriate places and numbered serially. · Authors of accepted papers will be communicated through e-mail. · Authors are requested to submit a full paper through an e-mail attachment to or *PUBLICATION OF CONFERENCE VOLUME :* Conference proceedings will be published with ISBN Number on the inaugural day of the Conference. Only selected and papers recommended for inclusion in the volume by the “Editorial Committee” will be included. The paper will be subjected to a blind review and plagiarism check *IMPORTANT GUIDELINES :* · All manuscripts should be unpublished original work. The author (s) will have to sign a copyright declaration form · An author can contribute more than one paper. However, an author will present only once throughout the Conference and for any one of his/her contributed articles. · Paper should have Title, Author/s name, Affiliation with complete address and E-mail address of authors, Abstract maximum of one paragraph and list of main Keywords. *THE PROGRAMME :* The conference will include plenary sessions, invited and contributed papers, poster sessions, product presentations, panel discussions and an exhibition. A series of parallel sessions will be held offering delegates a wide range of in depth presentations by leading experts. *TARGET AUDIENCE:* Library and Information Science professionals working in different types of schools in India, LIS professionals, Research scholars, students, all stakeholders interested in LIS activities. *REGISTRATION FEE:* Individual: Rs. 1500.00 Research Scholars and Retired Professionals: Rs. 750 Students: Rs. 500.00 (Kit without conference proceedings) Accompanying family member: Rs. 500.00 (Kit without conference proceedings) Registration fee includes conference kit with conference materials, working lunch/dinner, refreshment, etc. Kindly send your completed registration form along with registration fee in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of *“Director, BET’s Global Business School”, Payable at Belagavi *to: *The Organizing Secretary, Librarian, Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School, B. C. 188, Old P. B. Road, Belagavi -590016* *IMPORTANT DATES :* Last date for submission of full papers with registration fee: 25.4.2016 Acceptance of full paper for presentation: 30.4.2016 Last date for Registration: 30.4.2016 Spot Registration: Available on prior intimation *CONFERENCE DATES : *12th and 13th May, 2016 *ACCOMMODATION :* Accommodation may be arranged for the outstation participants if request is sent atleast seven days before the Conference and in that case participants will have to bear the charges. A list of Hotels with tariff and phone numbers will be provided on request and the participants are advised to book the hotels in advance. *FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT :* Mr. Bharat B. Alasandi Organizing Secretary Librarian, Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School B. C. 188, Old P. B. Road, Belagavi -590016 Phone: 0831-2421513 Mob: 9686190253 *JOINT ORGANIZING SECRETARIES :* o Dr Nagaraj, National Institute of Education, Mysore o Naveed Bankapur, IT Coordinator, Jain Heritage School, Belagavi *Two Day National Conference on School Libraries in Digital Age “Coscolidia”* *On * *12th - 13th May, 2016* *Registration Form * Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Designation: ___________________________________________________________________ Department: ___________________________________________________________________ Institution: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Mobile: ___________________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Payment Details: Rs. …………. Bank ……………………………….. DD no. ………………. Date ……………………. Are you presenting a paper? Yes No If ‘Yes’, pls furnish the title of the paper to be presented ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Demand Draft should be drawn in favor of *“Director, BET’s Global Business School’ *Payable at Belagavi) Signature: ………………………………………….. Name: ………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………....................... -- Prof. P. G. Tadasad Professor and Chairman Department of Library and Information Science, University Nodal Officer RUSA and Coordinator Legal Cell Karnataka State Women's University, Jnanashakti, Torvi Vijayapura 586108 Tel: 08352 229012 (O); 08352 240021 (O); 08352 272 436 (R); Mobile: 09448180973 (M) E-mil: -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Prahalad G Tadasad