Dear All
Pl. find the invitation from Cyber Security Privacy Foundation for the pgm
on Internation Computer Security day on 30th Nov 2019 at Anna Univ.
Pl. make it convenient to attend by pre-registering at the URL provided in
the invite below
With regards -- hrmohan
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Karthikeyan K
From 9.30 AM – 12.00 PM On Saturday, 30th Nov’ 2019*WELCOME ADDRESS*:Sri R. RAMAMURTHY – Chairman CSPF - Welcome Address.*CHIEF GUEST*:Hon’ble Sri MICHAEL COSTA – Dy. Consul General of Australia for South India.*Speakers*:Dr. R.K. RAGHAVAN- Former High Commissioner of India, Republic of Cyprus.Sri. M.R. SIVARAMAN – Former Exe. Dir. of IMF & Former Revenue Secretary. Govt of India.Prof. T.V. GEETHA – Dean, CEG, Anna UniversitySri. SUGATA ROY – Specialist for Communication, Advocacy & Partnerships of UNICEFSri. R. RAM KUMAR - CEO, Amvion Labs Pvt LtdSri. SURIYA - Head – Reeja Vajra APTScan, CSPF Pte Ltd., Singapore **************************************************************************Hi-Tea: 09:30AMAs seats are limited intending participants are requested to register themselves online *https://www.meraevents.com/event/international-computer-security-day/ https://www.meraevents.com/event/international-computer-security-day/*
[image: Regards R Ramamurthy Chairman- CSPF +91-8072035577]
participants (1)
Mohan Hr