---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
From: "Sargu Sudarshan Rao"
Date: Mon, May 28, 2018 2:55 pm
Its a shocking news that Dr Venkadeshan passed away on Sunday-- an
unbelievable news hard to digest. He was very active in the professional
circles in Hyderabad since his assignment at ISB. He was cordial and
used to share his experiences on professional matters by associated with
a large number of Conferences and Seminars that were held at
Hyderabad. LIS professionals miss him a lot. May his soul rest in peace.
Dr. S. SUDARSHAN RAOFormer Professor & Head & UGC Emeritus FellowDept of
Library & Inf ScienceOsmania UniversityHyderabad - 500007Mobile :
9849228980;Â Res: 040-27030777
On Sunday, 27 May, 2018, 7:39:59 PM IST, mailman@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
-------- Original message --------From: Sathya Date:
5/27/18Â 11:07Â (GMT+05:30) To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in Subject:
[LIS-Forum] Venky-ISB no more.
A sad Sunday. Dr. Venkateshan,ÃÂ has suddenly left for his heavenly abode
this morning, leaving us.
Starting his career as a scientist (metallurgist) in IGCAR,ÃÂ he made
librarianship a successful career thereÃÂ and came to national
prominence as
he moved up in the LIS ladder to IISc and Indian School of Business,
Hyderabad. A vibrant, fun loving and amazingly enthusiasticÃÂ person, he
made LIS his cosy and engaging professional home giving it a touch of
scholarship. A new annual seminar series, he launched and ledÃÂ three years
ago along with Anil Kumar (IIM-A) is a very different and innovative model
to remember and continue after him.ÃÂ I worked with him closely when
Informatics had launchedÃÂ Infovision 2005, an annual event then.
We miss him. We pray for his soul to rest in peace.
*|*N. V. Sathyanarayana*|*Informatics India Ltd.*|*Bangalore 560004*|*INDIA