Two Days National Workshop on Data Analytics for Resarch Paper Writing
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from Bharatesh Education Trust's Global Business School, Belagavi
Two days Naitonal Workshop on *"Data Analytics for Resarch Paper Writing" *will
be held on *20th and 21st July, 2018* in Bharatesh Education Trust's Global
Business School, Belagavi Karnataka.
The organizers will accomodate maximum of 25 participants in workshop for
better focus and interaction with the resource persons. The details are as
*Objectives of the Workshop*
This workshop is intended to nurture empirical research paper writing
acumen and data
analytical abilities with a blend of conceptual learning and hands on
practical sessions.
• To develop capacity to write research paper and its publication in
reputed journals
• To familiarize the participants with research methodology for Paper
• To equip participant conceptualize the APA style of writing research paper
• To provide the platform for discussion on the data analytics necessities
of writing
research paper
• To inculcate the skills for Data Analytics using SPSS for writing
research paper
*Key Highlights*
• Hands on practical sessions on data handling, analysis & deriving
preliminary results
• Practical sessions with suitable illustrations and demonstrations
• Discussion on the interpretations of results and presentation
• Discussion on genuine data sources and its accessibility for researchers
• Different structures of the research papers and submission guidelines
*Target Participants*
Academicians, Research Scholars and Students from social science domain
*Venue *
Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global
Business School, B.C. 188, Old P.B. Road, Belagavi, Karnataka
*Registration Fee*
The registration fee is Rs. 1000/- (One thousand Rupees), covers the cost
of workshop kit, training materials, breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks. The
payment may be made in the form of Demand Draft or Cheque in favor of
BET’s Global Business School* payable at Belagavi.
Participants may also avail the facility of NEFT using the following
Beneficiary Name: Director, BETGBS
Bank Name: Bank of India
Branch: Fort Road, Belagavi
SB A/C No: 110010110004415
IFSC Code: BKID0001100
*No. of participants*
The organizers will accomodate maximum of 25 participants in workshop for
better focus and interaction with the resource persons.
The application for admission to the workshop may be submitted to Director,
Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School, Belagavi on or before
10th July, 2018.
*For further Information please contact*
*Dr. A. R. Rotti, *Director
Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business School
B.C. 188, Old P.B. Road, Belagavi
*Organizing Secretaries*
* Dr. Bharat B. Alasandi, LibrarianBharatesh Education Trust’s Global
Business SchoolMob:
participants (1)
Bharat Alasandi