Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 22:13:15 -0800 (PST)
From: gayathri sen
Dear friends,
With due regards and respects to authors and publishers, I strongly feel that publications of research conducted either with or without the support of public funds, should be made available free, at least after a lapse of 3 to 5 years, or as per law for the betterment of humanity.
You never know, who, in what way will make use of this research work for some positive outcome. Many a times some trend setting work may go unnoticed by some great genius due to lack of access to information, and lack of funds.
We woe this to this world, for getting this precious human birth. Fortunately technological revolution and the net have made the world so small and many things possible.
Gayathri Sen
PESIT, Bangalore, INDIA