CALL FOR PAPERS ILIS Journal of Librarianshipand Informatics (IJLI) The Institution of Library andInformation Scientists (ILIS) alearned forum of professionals, recently founded with headquarters inThiruvananthapuram, is proud to announce that it is launching a researchjournal titled : ILIS Journal of Librarianship andInformatics inJanuary 2018. The journal is a peerreviewed one, brought out in print format as a bi-annual in January and July every year.Research papers of high standard, review articles, state of the art reports etcon all facets of librarianship and information science will be included in thejournal. Popular articles will not be entertained. We invitepapers from research scholars, LIS professionals and teachers in LIS for theinaugural issue of the journal. Important Dates for First Issue Submission of papers : at least by 30th September 2017 Acknowledgement of receipt : within 7-14 days from date ofsubmission Acceptance : subject to the comments of referees Final print publication ofJournal: before 31stJanuary 2018 Papers have to be forwarded as soft copy in MS Word or OpenOffice Text email ed to: ilisjournalk@gmail.com or em2vargis@gmail.com Guidelines. · The articles should clearly indicate the title of the paper, nameof author & co-authors, affiliations, full postal address withtelephone/Mobile no. and email, etc. · Length of paper: 4000-6000 words, double spaced, 12 point fontsize, Times New Roman, Justify Align, MS Word or Open Office format (A4 size). · An informative abstract not exceeding 100-200 words and keyword upto 5-8. · APA style for References · Tables and Figures may be incorporated into the text of the paperas close to where they are first referred. Only Original papers will be accepted for publication. On finalacceptance the authors have to furnish a declaration that it is an originalwork of the author/authors and has not been published previously and is notunder consideration for publication elsewhere or presented in anySeminar/Conference and the sole responsibility for the contents of their paperrests with them. Guidelines. · The articles should clearly indicate the title of the paper, nameof author & co-authors, affiliations, full postal address withtelephone/Mobile no. and email, etc. · Length of paper: 4000-6000 words, double spaced, 12 point fontsize, Times New Roman, Justify Align, MS Word or Open Office format (A4 size). · An informative abstract not exceeding 100-200 words and keyword upto 5-8. · APA style for References · Tables and Figures may be incorporated into the text of the paperas close to where they are first referred. Only Original papers will be accepted for publication. On finalacceptance the authors have to furnish a declaration that it is an originalwork of the author/authors and has not been published previously and is notunder consideration for publication elsewhere or presented in anySeminar/Conference and the sole responsibility for the contents of their paperrests with them. With Warm Regards Stanly James Pradeeepam The President ILIS, Post Box No 25 KeralaUniversity Campus, Kariyavattom, Trivandrum-695581 Reg.No.TVM/TC/611/2016 MobileNo. 09400490257, 07907470891 iliskerala2016@gmail.com, ilisjournalk@gmail.com, Dr. AshaB The GeneralSecretary ILIS, PostBox No 25 KeralaUniversity Campus, Kariyavattom, Trivandrum-695581
participants (1)
Shihab Illias