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Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 18:07:54 +0530
From: K.N. Prasad
Please find the brochure for the 4th in the series of KAnOE's workshops on
*Categories for the Web: Towards a Semantic Web* on Thursday, 8 August at
PESIT. The workshop is being organized on the occasion of the Birthday of
Dr. S. R. Ranganathan jointly by KAnOE-PESIT and the Sarada Ranganathan
Endowment for Library Science. The event also marks the Inauguration of
the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Endowment.
A special thanks to Dr. J. K. Suresh of Infosys for agreeing to inaugurate
the event and to deliver the keynote and to Dr. A. Neelameghan for agreeing
to deliver the Keynote on the history and methodology of categorization.
I request you to circulate this widely among your colleagues and
Thank you. With best regards,
Kavi Mahesh
Dr. Kavi Mahesh
Director, KAnOE - Centre for Knowledge Analytics and Ontological
Engineering (World Bank funded), and
Professor, Department of Computer Science,
PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, and
Principal Consultant, Knowledge Management Group,
Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Phone: +91 98452 90073
http://www.kanoe.org and http://ontology.org.in