SLA-PAM International Award Member Call for Nominations

----- Original Message ----- From: Debra K. Bailey Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 12:02 AM Subject: SLA-PAM International Award Member Call for Nominations International Membership Award Call for Nominations for 2005-2006 The Physics Astronomy Mathematics (PAM) Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) is now calling for nominations for the International Membership Award. The SLA-PAM Division will present this award to a librarian from the Developing World; it provides a two-year SLA membership, for the years 2005 and 2006. For more information, please visit the following web page: Nominations should be submitted to the chair of the International Relations Committee of the PAM Division (address below) by December 31, 2004 and the award will be announced in January 2005. Objective The purpose of the award is to provide an opportunity for a librarian from the Developing World to be an active member of SLA and of SLA-PAM. Components The award will provide SLA membership, including PAM Division affiliation, for a period of two years (2005-2006). The award recipient will serve as a member of PAM's International Relations Committee (IRC) during the term of the award. PAM will normally fund the award recipient to attend SLA's annual conference during the first year of the award. The award recipient will prepare a short report on the state of scientific information/libraries in his/her country, to be presented to the membership at the annual SLA conference either in person or in writing. The award recipient will also prepare a final report reflecting on his/her experience with PAM and providing recommendations for future improvements to the award program; this report is to be sent before the end of the second year of the award to the PAM Executive Board and PAM IRC. Qualifications The nominee must reside and work in a developing country and have basic English skills. The nominee must be working currently in a library, information center, library school or other information-related capacity, in one of the subject areas relevant to PAM: physics, astronomy, mathematics or computer science. The nominee will not normally have had a previous opportunity to become actively involved in SLA, such as by attending an SLA conference, or other professional library association meeting in the U.S. Nomination Process Self nominations are encouraged. Nomination documentation should include: A letter highlighting the candidate's professional career and qualifications and explaining why this person should be granted the award; The candidate's current professional resume [see resume guide at if desired]; Contact information for the nominee: name, position, business address, and (if possible) email address. Nominations are to be submitted by 31 December 2004 to the PAM IRC chair, and the award recipient will be announced in January 2005. Selection Process The selection will be made by the PAM Executive Board in consultation with the PAM IRC chair. Address nominations to: Debra Bailey Chair, SLA-PAM International Relations Committee Fondren Library MS255 Rice University P.O. Box 1892 Houston, TX 77251-1892 Phone: 713-348-2350 Fax: 713-348-5859 Email: __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
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JK Vijayakumar