Fwd: [BOAI] Evaluation of Institutional Repository Development in Developing and Transition Countries: t-shirt winners and call for more input

From: Iryna Kuchma
Date: August 18, 2009 5:41:07 AM EDT (CA) To: eifloa@lists.eifl.net, boai-forum@ecs.soton..ac.uk, dspace-general@mit.edu, fedora-commons-users@lists.sourceforge.net, LLAAR@googlegroups.com Subject: [BOAI] Evaluation of Institutional Repository Development in Developing and Transition Countries: t-shirt winners and call for more input Reply-To: boai-forum@ecs.soton.ac.uk
With apologies for cross-posting
Thank you to the repository managers who have already filled in the survey, and congratulations to the three eIFL T-shirt winners: African Higher Education Research Online (AHERO), University of the Western Cape, South Africa; Orion@ISI, Indian Statistical Institute; and UNAMSpace, University of Namibia Library!
We welcome more input from repository managers in developing and transition countries. This is the first time that such data about digital repository activity in developing and transition countries has been collected, and we hope this will serve as important resource for promoting open access and repository development in these regions. Your answers will help contribute to a larger overview of repository activity, and will provide support those who have just started building their repository! The survey will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. If possible please fill in this survey by August 31st.
This study is part of a cooperative program between eIFL.net, the University of Kansas Libraries, the DRIVER project and Key Perspectives Ltd., and aims at creating an inventory of current digital repository activities in developing and transition countries, at both the infrastructure and services level. This survey has been adapted from the DRIVER Inventory study into the present type and level of OAI-compliant digital repository activities in the EU by Maurits de Graaf and SURF, and from the European repository study by Alma Swan, Key Perspectives Ltd.
The link to the survey is here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Wdi_2buyQ_2b1wSDIrTQahrbQg_3d_3d
To help you prepare you can view a PDF preview of the survey questions here: http://www.eifl.net/cps/sections/services/eifl-oa/oa-news/2009_05_06_evaluat...
We appreciate your cooperation!
Iryna Kuchma eIFL Open Access program manager eIFL.net
Brian Rosenblum Scholarly Digital Initiatives Librarian University of Kansas
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participants (1)
Subbiah Arunachalam