ICADL2004-Shangai, China-Dec 13-17-Call for papers

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 23:57:11 +0530 (IST) From: shalini@vidyanidhi.org.in -------------Apologies for cross postings------ Here is the call for papers for ICADL 2001. Important Dates are: Submission of Abstracts (full papers only) - June 10, 2004 Submission of Full Papers - July 1, 2004 Submission of Short Papers - July 1, 2004 --------- The 7th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries ------- International Collaboration and Cross-Fertilization ( http://icadl2004.sjtu.edu.cn) Call for papers After its six-years efficient exploration in offering a forum to promote and share the latest development of technology of digital library, the International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL) has turned out to be a grand annual event in the library and IT communities in Asia and the world as well. The 7th ICADL Conference in 2004 will be hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Library in Shanghai, China from December 13 to 17. The theme of this conference is: Digital Libraries International Collaboration and Cross-Fertilization. Papers are solicited in a wide variety of digital library related areas, including (but not limited to): Main Topics: Service and Management New forms and models of DL services; Digital library performance, resources, usefulness, usability and evaluation;User studies: user communities, user needs, user behavior, usage pattern; Social, legal and economic issues related DL, such as privacy, intelligence property, information security, sustainability;Knowledge management and its application in DL; New institution roles and responsibilities of DL in 21st century. Live reference service Personalization service Collaboration and Localization Case studies on successful national, cross-regional and international DL collaboration projects and impact in Asia-Pacific Region;Preserving, organizing and disseminating Asian unique and indigenous knowledge and culture;Novel methods and tools for Asian languages information processing. Exploring a Cross-Culture Context for DL studies in Asia, social impacts of DL in Asia. Technology Digital library system: architectures, interoperability, mobile applications, agents related to DL;Access to distributed and heterogeneous digital collections: interoperability, scalability, relevant information discovery, meta-information integration, Mass storage;Information retrieval and data mining: novel IR technologies of text and multimedia, data mining; multi- and cross-lingual data access and searching, machine translation and machine learning; Information organization and content management: metadata and OAI, ontologies and semantic web, topic maps;Human-computer interaction: interfaces, visualization, portals, personalization;Technical standards、protocol in DL area and implication strategies; Grid technologies and digital libraries E-publication Proceedings Conference Proceedings will be composed of long (full) papers (10 pages), short papers (4 pages) and poster papers (2 pages) and be published by Springers Lecture Note Series in Computer Science (LNCS). Important Date: Submission of Abstracts (full papers only) June 10, 2004 Submission of Full Papers July 1, 2004 Submission of Short Papers July 1, 2004 Papers should be written in English and submitted in electronic format. More details will be released dynamically at the 7th ICADL Conferences website: http://icadl2004.sjtu.edu.cn. And much more will be given around March. Please contact us if you have any questions: Mr. Yuan Guojing, Ms. Guojing Email: icadl2004@mail.lib.sjtu.edu.cn Tel.: +86-21-62933229 Fax: +86-21-62820892 The Organization Committee of the 7th ICADL Conference Shanghai, P.R. China
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