Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 19:10:07 +0530
From: Dr.K.R. Mulla
Dear LIS Professionals,
The Library of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum, is
intended to appoint Eight (8) Senior Library Trainees for its main and
regional libraries, in progress comes. The appointments may be based on
the following terms and conditions:
1. The appointment is {only/is solely} temporary and written
agreement basis for twelve months only.
2. Fascinating qualification is M.L.I.Sc., (Library and data
Science) or its equivalent and proved record of expertise of
data-intensive jobs can solely be considered. Expertise in ICT
application and computing are most well-liked.
3. Preference will be given to those that have some experiences of work.
4. The task that these Trainees are appointed is very
data-intensive and ICT application. Thus solely untiring and assured
people ought to apply.
5. Earnings are coterminous with the expertise and qualification
subject to a most of Rs 12,000/ per month.
6. Chosen candidates can need to work for eight hours every day,
six days per week with weekly off on listing basis.
7. Institute cannot offer any on-campus accommodation and chosen
candidates are announce to any of the regional centre (Belgaum,
Bangalore, Mysore and Gulbarga) of VTU and its constituent school
(UBDT school of Engineering, Davanagere).
8. The chosen candidates are lasting by the foundations and laws
of the University.
9. Interested applications should be sent by mail to
10. Applications won't be received in the flesh.
11. No enquiry concerning this appointment are amused in any variety
of communications (Tele, Email or in Written).
Interested candidates should send their resume to the higher than
email address among seven days from the date of publication of this
Note: The listing are maintained whereas choice of the candidates as
per the authorities of province.
With Regards
Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Jnana Sangama,
Karnataka, India