---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:22:42 +0530 (IST)
From: Shyam Prasad pujar
To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Subject: WEBLIS: Library Integrated System
Dear Members,
UNESCO has released WEBLIS, a Web based Library Integrated System
based on CDS/ISIS. It has been distributed as free-ware. The system has
been developed by the Institute for Computer and Information Engineering
(ICIE), Poland.
The current version of WEBLIS, available in English, consists of the
following modules:
1. Cataloguing system (books, papers from book, papers from journals,
journals, miscellaneous -slides, photos, audio, video, etc)
2. OPAC -on-line public access catalogue- (basic and advanced search,
history, saving queries function, and ISIS Query language facilities,
thesaurus based search)
3. LOAN module (hold/reserve, loan/ renew, automatic claiming by e-mail or
a traditional mail in word form, urgent task lists)
4. Statistical module (the main goal of the program is to generate
statistical data aggregated from the CDS/ISIS databases).
The software and documentation can be downloaded at:
Software: http://www.unesco.org/isis/files/weblis.zip
Documentation: http://www.unesco.org/isis/files/weblisdoc.zip
S.M. Pujar
Shamprasad M. Pujar
Assistant Librarian
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Gen. Vaidya Marg, Film City Road
Goregaon (East)
MUMBAI-400 065
* Phone: (022) 28400919-21 Extn: 514 *
* Fax: (022) 28402752 *
* E-mail: pujar@igidr.ac.in *
* URL: http://www.igidr.ac.in *