XXI-IATLIS National Conference Invitation and Call for Papers The Conference The Department of Library and Information Science, Nagpur University in collaboration with the University Library is organizing the XXI IATLIS National Conference, 2004 during 18 - 20 November, 2004 at Nagpur. Theme: Partnership of LIS Teachers and Librarians in Professional Development Facets: - LIS education and Research : Need for partnership - Collaboration for professional development - Collaboration and Contribution for Library Development - Areas, styles and existing methods of partnership - Current Trends in Partnership - Case studies of Partnerships in LIS Schools - Any other sub-theme related to the broad field Call for Papers The Conference shall be a platform for LIS Professionals and Teachers to discuss the theme and its facets in the current context of partnerships: the myths and realities. · The papers in English and regional languages (Marathi and Hindi) are welcome · The papers should be based on original research, survey and case studies · General presentations and historical background should be avoided · Papers should include abstracts · The article should not exceed more than 5000 words printed on A4 paper and be submitted on MS -Word along with 1.44 Floppy disk · The full papers in Hindi and Marathi should reach the Organizing Secretary. Whereas, papers in English should reach General Secretary, IATLIS on or before 30th October 2004. Director of the Conference: Prof. Shabahat Hussian, DLIS, Aligarh Muslim University, ALIGARH 202 002. Registration Fee: For outstation delegates - Rs. 600.00 For Local delegates - Rs. 400.00 (Without accommodation) The registration fee includes accommodation, conference kit, and working lunch on the days of conference. Intending participants are requested to send intimation along with a Bank Draft drawn in favour of Organizing Secretary, XXI IATLIS National Conference payable at Nagpur, towards the registration fees, so as to reach the Organizing Secretary, on or before 30th October 2004. We extend a very cordial invitation to all LIS Teachers and Librarians for participation in XXI-IATLIS NATIONAL CONFERENCE. Dr.S. Sudarshan Rao General Secretary, IATLIS DLIS, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500 007 E-mail: rao_ss2000@yahoo.co.in Dr. (Mrs.) D. Rajyalakshmi Organizing Secretary XXI- IATLIS National Conference & Head, Department of Library and Information Science Nagpur University NAGPUR - 440010. Phone:0712- 2548577 E-mail : desarajurl@rediffmail.com --------------------------------- Does your mail provider give you a FREE online calendar? Yahoo! does. Get Yahoo! Mail XXI-IATLIS National Conference Invitation and Call for Papers The Conference The Department of Library and Information Science, Nagpur University in collaboration with the University Library is organizing the XXI IATLIS National Conference , 2004 during 18 - 20 November, 2004 at Nagpur . Theme : Partnership of LIS Teachers and Librarians in Professional Development Facets: - LIS education and Research : Need for partnership - Collaboration for professional development - Collaboration and Contribution for Library Development - Areas, styles and existing methods of partnership - Current Trends in Partnership - Case studies of Partnerships in LIS Schools - Any other sub-theme related to the broad field Call for Papers The Conference shall be a platform for LIS Professionals and Teachers to discuss the theme and its facets in the current context of partnerships: the myths and realities. · The papers in English and regional languages (Marathi and Hindi) are welcome · The papers should be based on original research, survey and case studies · General presentations and historical background should be avoided · Papers should include abstracts · The article should not exceed more than 5000 words printed on A4 paper and be submitted on MS -Word along with 1.44 Floppy disk · The full papers in Hindi and Marathi should reach the Organizing Secretary. Whereas, papers in English should reach General Secretary, IATLIS on or before 30 th October 2004. Director of the Conference: Prof. Shabahat Hussian, DLIS, Aligarh Muslim University , ALIGARH 202 002. Registration Fee: For outstation delegates - Rs. 600.00 For Local delegates - Rs. 400.00 (Without accommodation) The registration fee includes accommodation, conference kit, and working lunch on the days of conference. Intending participants are requested to send intimation along with a Bank Draft drawn in favour of Organizing Secretary, XXI IATLIS National Conference payable at Nagpur , towards the registration fees, so as to reach the Organizing Secretary, on or before 30 th October 2004. We extend a very cordial invitation to all LIS Teachers and Librarians for participation in XXI-IATLIS NATIONAL CONFERENCE. Dr.S. Sudarshan Rao General Secretary, IATLIS DLIS, Osmania University , Hyderabad-500 007 E-mail: mailto:rao_ss2000@yahoo.co.in rao_ss2000@yahoo.co.in Dr. (Mrs.) D. Rajyalakshmi Organizing Secretary XXI- IATLIS National Conference & Head, Department of Library and Information Science Nagpur University NAGPUR - 440010. Phone:0712- 2548577 E-mail : mailto:desarajurl@rediffmail.com desarajurl@rediffmail.com Does your mail provider give you a FREE online calendar? Yahoo! does. http://uk.rd.yahoo.com/mail/taglines/h/calendar/*http://uk.mail.yahoo.com Get Yahoo! Mail
participants (1)
Prof. N. Laxman Rao.