---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:44:54 +0530
From: Pandurang Konnur
Dear Friends,
Please find here with enclosed Second National Conference on Scientometrics
and Knowledgement and Prof.S.L.Sangam Felicitation Invitation cards. I
request all of you to attend both the functions. I am also enclosing here
with the order passed by the Joint Director Department of Collegiate
Education, sanctioning the OOD for the College Librarians attending the
above conference.
*Dr. P. V. Konnur*
Professor & Director,
School of Applied Sciences,
Department of Library & Information Science,
*Rani Channamma University,*
Vidhya Sangama, Belgavi – 591 156
Karnataka State, (India)
Phone : 91-831-2565216-17
Mobile : 91-9449679737
E-Mail : pvkonnur@gmail.com