Dear Professional Friends, I M.Arockia Lourdu Raj doing part-time Ph.D in Manonmanium Sundaranar University under the guidance of Dr. S Srinivasa Ragavan Librarian & Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Bharahtidasan University, Trichy. My research topic is " Awareness and Usage of Web Technologies among Library Professionals in Tamilnadu and Karnataka". Herewith I send a questionnaire link that is web-based, answer-driven dynamic questionnaire to collect information. I request librarians only from Tamilnadu and Karnataka to give your valubale response and support my research. Please be assured that your responses will be kept confidential and and used only for my research. your contact information will not be linked to your answers. http://www.orangeanalytics.com/wp/wplogin.html Thanks in advance With kind regards, M.Arockia Lourdu Raj Manager - Knowledge Management & Research System Blueocean Market Intelligence Vrindavan Tech Village, Building 2A, Lower Ground,East Tower Sarjapur Outer Ring Road, Bangalore – 560037 Mobile : 09880016201 E-mail : nimatum@gmail.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Dear Professional Friends,
This is just a reminder to all Library Professionals to please complete the questionnaire (link below). A big thank you to those who have already completed the questionnaire.
Topic : Awareness and Usage of Web Technologies among Library Professionals in Tamilnadu and Karnataka
Questionnaire link: http://www.orangeanalytics.com/wp/wplogin.html
As my research focus on Tamilnadu and Karnataka, I request librarians only from Tamilnadu and Karnataka to give your valuable response and support my research
Thanks & Regards,
Arockia Lourdu Raj
From: M.Arockia Lourdu Raj
participants (1)
M.Arockia Lourdu Raj