Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:06:08 +0100 (BST)
From: M.Prasanna
August 10, 2005 The newest open access journal from Hindawi The Hindawi
Publishing Corporation announce one more addition to its open access
journal collection. The Journal of Nanomaterials (JNM) will be edited by
Michael Hu of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and it can be found at JNM is open access with a business model
based on article processing charges to be paid by the authors' institution
or research grant. The journal shall have an online edition, which is free
with no subscription or registration barriers, and a print edition which
shall be priced at a level reasonable for covering the printing cost. All
articles published in JNM shall be distributed under the "Creative Commons
Attribution License," which permits unrestricted use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
JNM brings the number of open access journals published by Hindawi to
eight. The first seven journals are in the areas of biomedicine, computer
engineering, mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Hindawi is
planning to launch several more open access journals in the next few
months. For more information please contact: Paul Peters Senior Publishing
Developer Hindawi Publishing Corporation E-Mail: The Hindawi Publishing Corporation is an STM
publisher with 25 journals (17 subscription based and 8 open access) and
two book series. The company website is located at <