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Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 15:03:27 -0400
From: Yin Zhang
To: asis-l@asis.org, sigiii-l@asis.org
Subject: [Sigiii-l] ASIST SIG III Announces Winners of 2004 International
Paper Contest
The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST)
International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG III) is
pleased to announce the top winners of its fifth International Paper
Contest. We are delighted to be able to offer eight awards this year. The
winners are:
1 Shivanthi Weerasinghe (Sri Lanka)
The role of financiers as
intermediaries in bridging the information gap of micro entrepreneurs of
Sri Lanka
2 G. Thamaraiselvi (India)
Digital divide issues
3 K.T. Anuradha (India)
Design and development of institutional repositories: A case study
4 S. Majumdar (India)
Preservation and conservation of literary heritage: A case study of India
5 (tie) Ayoku A. Ojedokun (Botswana)
The evolving sophistication of internet abuses in Africa
5 (tie) Nafiz Zaman Shuva (Bangladesh) Implementing information and
communication technology in public libraries of Bangladesh
7 (tie) V S Cholin (India) Study on application of information technology
for effective access to resources in Indian university libraries
7 (tie) Ariunaa Bariushanov (Mongolia) Current situation on Mongolian
information technology and demand of library automation
The theme of this year’s paper contest is "Managing and Enhancing
Information: Cultures and Conflicts - The Developing World Perspective."
The eight winning papers were selected from 25 papers received for this
year’s competition. Each winner will be awarded a two-year individual
membership in ASIST.
Thanks to the continued generous support from Elsevier Publishers, the
first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 toward travel,
conference registration, and accommodations while attending the ASIST
Annual Conference in Providence, Rhode Island, November 13-18, 2004. These
winning papers and other submitted papers for the competition will be
considered for publication by Elsevier's International Information and
Library Review, which is edited by Toni Carbo.
Congratulations to the winners! The Contest Committee worked really hard
in selecting the winning papers in a short time frame. The Committee this
year was composed of Yunfei Du, International Paper Contest co-Chair; Sue
O'Neill Johnson, co-Chair and Immediate Past Chair of SIG III; and
Nathalie Leroy, co-Chair and SIG III Chair.
This year’s judges are: •
Suzie Allard, University of Tennessee • Nadia Caidi, University of
Toronto • Nathalie Leroy, United Nations • Duncan Omole, The World
Bank Their effort makes it possible to maintain this international network
of digital scholars and experts on digital libraries and information
technology in developing countries.
More information about the paper competition is available from the SIG III
website under Paper Contest.
Yin Zhang, Ph.D.
SIG III Chair-Elect and Communications Officer
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242
email: yinzhang@slis.kent.edu
phone: 330-672-0010
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