First publisher to implement 'cited-by' links using crossRef's forward linking
"First publisher(IOP) to implement 'cited-by' links using crossRef's forward linking" " In September 2003, we announced that papers in our Electronic Journals had been enhanced by links to citing articles from The American Physical Society and NASA's Astrophysical Data System. I'm pleased to report that our 'Articles citing this article' tool has now been developed further. In keeping with our tradition of innovation, we have become the first publisher to implement 'cited-by' links using CrossRef's Forward Linking service. We have made 'cited-by' links available for papers published in the last 10 years. Over the coming months, we will be working our way through our entire journal archive, back to 1874. To take a look at forward linking in action, go to the following paper from New Journal of Physics and select the 'Articles citing this article link' on the right hand side: New Journal of Physics is our open-access electronic-only title (co-owned by the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) so the 'cited-by' links are available to all. For our other journals, this facility is limited to subscribers." Ed Pentz, CrossRef's Executive Director C.MALLIKARJUNA, BANGALORE Mobile:9343757228 Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. "First publisher(IOP) to implement 'cited-by' links using crossRef's forward linking" " In September 2003, we announced that papers in our Electronic Journals had been enhanced by links to citing articles from The American Physical Society and NASA's Astrophysical Data System. I'm pleased to report that our 'Articles citing this article' tool has now been developed further. In keeping with our tradition of innovation, we have become the first publisher to implement 'cited-by' links using CrossRef's Forward Linking service. We have made 'cited-by' links available for papers published in the last 10 years. Over the coming months, we will be working our way through our entire journal archive, back to 1874. To take a look at forward linking in action, go to the following paper from New Journal of Physics and select the 'Articles citing this article link' on the right hand side: New Journal of Physics is our open-access electronic-only title (co-owned by the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) so the 'cited-by' links are available to all. For our other journals, this facility is limited to subscribers." Ed Pentz, CrossRef's Executive Director C.MALLIKARJUNA, BANGALORE Mobile:9343757228* Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your life partner* online .
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